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A couple weeks passed as Kostas started to get his life back together. He applied back at the same restaurant and had received his old job as a waiter. Of course, his managers were very curious as to why he disappeared without explanation, but he had managed to skirt their questions without too much suspicion. Thankfully, they knew he was a hard worker and they were short staffed; with that combination, they had hired him nearly the instant he walked through the doors asking for a job. After all of the torment, Kostas was so thankful to have his plain and average life back.

"Hey, Kory, what do you want for lunch?" Kostas asked as he entered his old room. He was always sure to spend his days off with his younger brother. The tutor that taught Korbin had just left and Kostas was excited to spend some quality time with his sibling.

Korbin sighed. "You still insist on calling me 'Kory'?" The two had been arguing as to whether the affectionate pet name was too childish for Korbin or not.

"Yep." Kostas smiled. "Now, answer my question."

"I don't even know what's in this house." Korbin sighed as he got up and the two made their way into the kitchen.

"Me neither." Kostas opened up the fridge only to find a bowl with questionable contents inside. "I think there are some frozen dinners left; that sound good to you?"

"Yeah, I'm good with that." Korbin said as he sat down at the table.

Kostas set to work heating up their lunches. The activity did not take much effort and he had to mostly wait for the microwave to finish. However, something caught his eye as he brought the first dinner to Korbin; his brother was looking at him. Well, not directly at him but his eyes were still following him as he moved around the kitchen.

"Hey, Kostas?"

"Yeah?" He answered, trying to sound nonchalant; however, the hair on the back of his neck was standing on end.

"You told me you escaped from Hell and that the hellions would be leaving us alone, right?" Korbin said, still staring at him.

"That's right." Kostas gulped. 'Korbin is better now; the hellions should leave us alone.' He thought nervously.

"Then why is there a hellion following you?"

Kostas's stomach sank. Hoping he had misheard Korbin, he turned quickly. "What?" The moment the word exited his mouth he felt a beak go straight into his ear. He let out a scream as he clutched the side of his head. Blood gushed through his fingers and splashed onto the floor.

"Kostas, what is it?" Korbin asked in a panic. "Is it the hellion? Did it hurt you?"

"I'm fine." Kostas groaned. The hellion was now sinking its talons into his shoulder. He grit his teeth and headed for the door. "Just eat your lunch. I'm going for some air."

Korbin watched in horror as the hellion went out the door, assumedly with his brother. "What if he gets kidnapped again? Or worse, what if he dies?" Tears pricked at his eyes as worried thoughts swirled through his mind.

Kostas walked as fast as he could out the door and into their small backyard. "Okay, you've got to go." He said angrily as he swung to where he thought the hellion was. However, his hand met no resistance and the talons only dug deeper into his flesh. Kostas let out a cry as he searched his mind for any idea out of the situation. "Alright, if that's how you want to play, that's how we'll play."

Having decided what must be done, Kostas fished into his pocket. "Let's see how you like this." He yelled as he held the pocket knife to his neck. He could still feel the hellion pecking and clawing at him removing pieces of flesh; however, his shirt was perfectly fine other than the blood leaking through it.

Just as he was about to slide the blade across his neck, something caught the corner of his eye--he was being watched. Ignoring the hellion's attack, he quickly pulled the knife away from himself and turned to see his neighbor staring straight at him. "Hello, Ms. Evans." He waved awkwardly to the elderly woman who was now drowning her garden.

Still staring, she narrowed her eyes. "Everything okay, young man? You were talking with yourself pretty loudly. Is that a knife you're holding?"

Kostas let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, a fake one. I'm practicing for a play." He lied as the hellion began moving from his shoulder to ripping apart his back. 'At least I'm wearing black; I don't think she can see the blood from that distance.' He thought gratefully. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I'll recite my lines inside from now on."

"Alright." She replied, clearly not completely convinced.

Kostas sighed in relief when Ms. Evans turned and walked back into her house muttering something about the day's youth. He quickly turned and sliced open his neck. His neck, shoulder, and back burned as he collapsed to the ground waiting to die. Thankfully, he did not have to wait long. Shortly after his death, Kostas picked himself up off the ground and walked back into the house.

The moment Korbin heard the door, he shot up from the table. "Kostas, is that you?" He asked, his voice trembling with fear.

"Yeah." Kostas said as he shut the door behind him. "I'm fine; sit back down."

"I was so worried they would take you away again." Korbin admitted as he sank down in his seat. He hung his head as he swiped at the tears falling down his face.

"Hey," Kostas walked over to the boy and rubbed his back comfortingly, careful not to get any blood on him. "Everything is fine. I escaped from Hell, remember? I can take care of one little hellion without any problem."

Korbin took a few deep breaths to calm himself. "You're right. I should have known you could handle it."

"That's right." Kostas laughed. "Now you eat; I have to go change and clean up the kitchen."

"What happened?" Korbin asked curiously.

"Nothing much; I just accidentally knocked something over in there." He replied as he got to work. "Oh, and just so you know I'll be going out once mom gets back from work--I need to go visit someone."

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