The Question

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To say that Kostas had endured a long night would be an understatement. His visit to the hospital had been filled with confused nurses and doctors along with one sassy demon who had managed to hear what happened to him. By the time Kostas finally got home, it was already well past midnight. He heaved a sigh as soon as he shut the door.

"Kostas." Korbin said the moment he heard his brother enter the house.

"Kory? Shouldn't you be asleep?" He questioned as he plopped down in one of the kitchen chairs to join Korbin at the table.

"Where were you--the clock struck twelve awhile ago; you said you were supposed to get home at ten thirty." He crossed his arms.

"I know." Kostas said as he rubbed at his face tiredly. "Something came up at work so it took me longer getting home." He looked around; the rest of the house was quiet. "I'm surprised Mom isn't awake." He commented.

"She left; she got a text from her newest boyfriend and raced out the door." Korbin said indifferently.

"Did you at least get supper?" Kostas asked, completely exasperated.

"Yeah, I ate. But we need to talk." Korbin leaded forward. "I know you still think of me as being an eleven year old, but you have to remember that I am older now. I want you to answer me seriously when I ask this."

"Oh, God, no." Kostas started to get up. "Look, I get it; you're growing up. But please, it has been a long night and I don't want to explain to you where babies come from right now."

Korbin's face blushed a bright red. "I'm not asking you that!" He exclaimed quickly while shaking his head vigorously. 

Kostas stopped and sat back down, curious. "Then what is it that you need to ask me?"

Korbin took a deep breath to calm himself, his face returning to its usual complexion. "Well," He began, fidgeting in his chair. "I can't help but feeling like you're lying to me or at least not telling me the whole truth. I keep seeing the hellions, but they don't ever come near me. No matter how many demons are on you they refuse to torture me--it's not natural." 

Kostas looked down; he had feared that Korbin would begin to question him. However, he did not expect him to ask anything this soon. "Can I answer the first question instead?" He joked meekly.

"Kostas, no."

Rubbing his temples, Kostas willed the night to be over. He was not fond of having to lie to everybody, but he particularly hated lying to his brother. Nothing in the contract had stated that he couldn't tell people about the deal he had made, it only cautioned that most would likely think he was mentally unstable. Kostas looked across the table at his brother; Korbin was clearly worried about him which only made the pain of keeping his secret increase.

"Why are the hellions only attacking you?" Korbin pressed.

"I wasn't kidnapped." Kostas admitted begrudgingly.

"What happened then?" Korbin scowled. "I want the truth this time."

"I signed a contract with the fire nurse." Kostas said slowly, gauging Korbin's reaction.

"What kind of contract?"

"The hellions were focusing on tormenting you; I signed to volunteer for them to torment me instead." Kostas said.

"Sounds like there is a lot more than what you are telling me." Korbin glared. "Why were you gone four years? How did you not notice the time passing? Did you actually go to Hell?"

"You're right. That's not the whole story." Kostas shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "When I signed the contract, I became immortal. I was then sent to Hell to feed the hellions; they feed off of suffering. Each of my scars represents a time that I've died."

Korbin started to tear up. "But, Mom said you were covered in scars." He said quietly.

"I've died a lot of times." Kostas replied simply. "The hellions fall asleep for a time after I die so, now that I'm back, I kill myself to get rid of them."

"Why would you sign something like that?" Korbin yelled out, tears now beginning streaming down his face.

"I had no choice." Kostas said firmly. "The nurse demon told me that the hellions would continue to torture you until you died--I couldn't stand that. Besides, I couldn't read the contract before I signed it." He added quietly.

Korbin chuckled humorlessly. "So let me get this straight. You signed something without being able to read it by a woman that you knew was a demon?"

"Look," Kostas crossed his arms. "my emotions were high that night; when I heard that you would be killed, I just signed the dotted line. I realize now that it wasn't the smartest thing I could've done."

"That's an understatement." Korbin spat.

"But, I don't regret my decision. I would sign that paper again if it meant saving you, Korbin."

Korbin put his head in his hands, sobbing. "You idiot."

"Korbin, I understand--"

"No!" Korbin shouted. "You don't understand. You signed the contract so I would not be tortured to death by demons, but then you tell me that for over four years you've been dying by the hands of the hellions. Now you're telling me you don't even regret that decision?"

"Of course I don't." Kostas slammed his hands on the table, causing Korbin to flinch. "Did you not hear me? They were going to kill you."

"Once." Korbin spat. "They were going to kill me one time, but now they have killed you countless times. Surely you understand what I'm trying to say."

Kostas sighed. "I understand, but it's different. I die from the hellions, but I can come back. You can't."

Silence enveloped the house as the two contemplated what to say next. Finally, Korbin whispered. "I don't know how I feel about this; I think I preferred back when I thought you had been kidnapped."

"I think we both need to go to sleep." Kostas said as he stood to help Korbin. He lead his brother to his room and helped him prepare for bed. Both were silent the entire time.

As Kostas was exiting the room after saying goodnight to his brother, a hellion bit right behind his kneecap. He let out a gasp of pain and grimaced.

"Kostas," Korbin called out. Kostas turned to see his brother looking in his direction, no doubt seeing the hellion. "Was it worth it?"

"Yes." Kostas answered determinedly. "It was absolutely worth it."

Never EndingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora