A Warm Welcome

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The Hellion carrying Kostas stopped in front of a small crack within the stone mountain. "Home sweet home!" It squealed happily. "I'm so excited! There are so many things I want to do! I don't know which to do first!" The creature hurriedly chained its captive to a stalagmite that had formed in it's makeshift house.

Kostas began to struggle against his bonds as shock left him and panic took its place. Though he wanted to cure Korbin more than anything else, the fear coursing through his veins was demanding he flee from his impending death. 

"I'm starving. I need you to suffer a lot." It looked over at him and hummed delightedly. "You're already emitting some and I haven't even touched you yet! I can't wait until the real fun begins." It smiled as it sifted through its miscellaneous possessions--clearly in search of something. After a few minutes, it pulled out a large, curved knife. 

Kostas felt his heart pound as the gleaming metal object was swung near him. The half boar-half bear creature then pressed the sharp edge against Kostas's neck. The biting pain increased with each breath that escaped. Kostas leaned back as far as the rock would allow while trying to take shallow breaths. His heart felt as though it might leap out of his chest at any moment as the blade was slowly being pressed harder against his skin.

The creature suddenly took away the blade. "What am I doing? I'm not thinking properly because I'm so excited. Everyone needs to know I got him first." It turned around and began to mutter to itself. "Now where did I put it?"

As the creature searched for whatever torture device it wanted, Kostas tried to escape with a new fervor. He could already feel the blood trickle down his chest from the cut on his neck. Just as he began to wriggle loose of his bonds, the Hellion held up a branding rod with a triumphant yell. With a speed that Kostas never knew he had, he shimmied out of the chains and made for the crevice they had entered through.

"Oh no you don't!" The Hellion squealed as it picked up the knife again. "I will be the first to kill you!" With that, it swung the blade down on Kostas's leg. 

Kostas screamed as he crumpled to the ground; however, in his adrenaline fueled sprint, he made it to a small crack in one of the walls within the room. It was so small that he was forced to curl up into a tight ball and press against the walls. Pushed in the very back, Kostas could see the creature's face, but it was too big to quite reach him. He could feel the air as it futilely swung its arm inside to drag him out.

The creature began to laugh hysterically. "You think you're annoying me? Your suffering is delicious! Lets make some more."

Kostas squeezed his eyes shut. He was ready for this nightmare to end. The slash in the back of his leg was burning in pain and his panic coursing through his body was just making the blood flow faster. His eyes shot open when he felt the knife stab into his leg. The creature was now jabbing the blade wildly into the hole. Again and again, the knife plunged into his legs that were curled in front of him. The Hellion smiled as howls of agony erupted from Kostas.

"Good. But don't die yet." It threw the knife to the side. "I need you to come out now."

Kostas gritted his teeth as tears flowed. Annoyed, he swiped at his face; the last thing he wanted was to appear weak in front of this creature. "Haven't you had enough yet?" He meant to sound strong and demanding but his voice betrayed him and quivered with fear, sounding more like a scared child.

"This is just an appetizer." It chuckled as he heard something being dragged across the floor. Looking out the opening, he could see the creature piling wood in front of the entrance. "If you won't come out willingly, I'll just have to smoke you out."

The pile was now ablaze with the Hellion fanning the smoke directly into Kostas's face. His eyes teared with a new fervor as he felt the small hole becoming unbearably hot. Sweat began mixing with the blood flowing out of him and added to the pain as it dripped into his open wounds. The grit from the soot forced his eyes shut; burning embers occasionally flew into the gashes--causing a new burning sensation to rise within him. Kostas could already feel himself suffocating as each breath became a labor. The walls that had once seemed to provide a sense of shelter now felt constricting. With his lungs feeling like they were ablaze, Kostas dragged himself out into the open and gasped for breath. His entire body burned, and he could feel his life slowly draining out of him as he laid on the cool stone.

"Don't die yet!" The creature screeched as it came to him.

Kostas then saw that the Hellion had been heating the branding iron while it was smoking him out of the crevice. With renew determination, he tried to drag himself out of the creature's house.

His tormentor threw its head back in laughter at his weak attempt for freedom. "Look at your legs; you can't even walk." Mercilessly, it sat on his legs and ripped off his shirt.

Kostas cried out as the creature ground his injured legs into the hard stone floor. He felt a white hot pain between his shoulder blades as the Hellion brought the branding iron down on him. With his last breath, Kostas cried out in agony.

As the creature watched the life leave the young man's body, it giggled delightedly. "Now everyone will forever know who killed you first!" It got off of its victim as the Hellion began to sway with drowsiness. "So much suffering; I'm so full." It muttered happily as it fell into a deep sleep.

Kostas awoke with a start. Beside him laid the half boar-half bear creature, fast asleep. Though his body ached all over, his legs had healed enough for him to limp away from the cavern. Before he crossed the threshold, Kostas glanced back to the spot where he had just died. An involuntary shudder racked his body. "I had best get used to it, I guess." He whispered as he made his way out into the hell-scape. 'I need to find shelter until I heal.' Kostas thought to himself as he forced his aching limbs to carry him forward.

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