The Beginning of Eternity

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Decades passed in the blink of an eye for Kostas. Over the years, he had gained more than he could have ever dreamed of when he first exited Hell. For a time, he had drifted from one job to the next--trying to find one that he could manage even with the hellions' relentless attacks. Then, one night while watching a movie he got the sudden idea to become a stunt double. Though learning different maneuvers and skills took some time, once he was hired Kostas became a legendary stunt double. No matter what the director needed him to do, he would do it--even if it killed him which it often did unbeknownst to the medics on scene. His bosses also marveled at Kostas's recovery speed since he only needed a couple days off for a broken bone. Needless to say, the hellions loved his new job and all the suffering it caused him.

Kostas had also found a way to keep the blood hidden beneath his clothes from the hellion's attacks. After gaining a substantial amount from his first couple stunt double jobs, he helped to devise and perfect a material to keep blood contained within the fabric. Once he felt he could go out and not have to worry about bleeding everywhere, Kostas focused on his next goal.

Korbin and he moved out of their mother's house. Kostas bought an apartment in Los Angels, where he mostly worked. Korbin, with the help of Kostas, even played in some smaller productions. Though Kostas wanted to pay for everything that his little brother could ever want or need, Korbin had fought to become independent and try to handle his own life. However, his brother's stubbornness did not stop Kostas from giving large gifts whenever he could.

His largest gift had been on the day that Korbin got married. Kostas could not have been happier when the couple found out he had an all expense paid honeymoon for the two; the couple had believed it would take them years to afford a honeymoon on their own--even with both of them working. After many reassurances that he could afford something so extravagant, Kostas had finally convinced them to choose where they would go.

Even after the wedding, Kostas took them both on regular vacations around the world. After a couple years, there was an addition to the family. Kostas absolutely adored his niece and, if not for Korbin, would have given her everything she wanted. Everybody was shocked at Kostas's wealth except for Korbin, who knew his brother's secret to saving money. Being immortal meant that Kostas did not need to eat or drink and though he made sure that Korbin and his family lived luxuriously, he himself lived a very modest lifestyle. However, the years had passed much too quickly.

Kostas smiled lightly as he remembered the wonderful times he had spent with his brother. As he thought back to all the times he had seen Korbin smile, laugh, and cry; tears welled in his eyes. Gingerly, he bent down to swipe some leaves off of his younger brother's grave. A week had passed since Korbin went to meet his wife--leaving their only daughter in Kostas's care. However, she already looked much older than Kostas who still had the appearance of a twenty-three year old.

Just as Kostas was finishing paying his respects, he heard leaves crunching behind him. He turned to find the red headed demon approaching him. For a moment the two just silently stared at the tombstone before them. Finally, she spoke up. "He lived a good life--far better than most people could ever hope for."

"Yeah." Kostas nodded, thankful that their relationship had improved over the years. "He lived to the fullest and died happy with his loved ones near."

"He's not in Hell." She said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Kostas smiled. "Did you check just for me?" He teased.

"I was just curious." She mumbled back. "Don't get too full of yourself."

Kostas stared up at the clouds lazily drifting across the sky. "Well, I'm glad to know he's happy and well." He turned back to her. "Thank you for telling me that."

She smirked. "Don't think I told you that for free--I want you to answer my question."

"You demons never change." Kostas chuckled. "Alright, what could I possibly know that the great babysitter of the hellions does not already know?"

She glared at him for a moment before asking her question. "Was it worth it?"

That single phrase brought back thousands of memories. She had asked the very question that Korbin had asked him throughout his life. Each time Korbin had asked him, Kostas had always answered him with a resolute tone that it was worth it, and each time, Korbin shook his head in silent disagreement. Even as happy with his life as he was, Korbin had always been very open on his opinion to Kostas's contract.

Noticing Kostas freeze, she added, "Humans seem obsessed with the idea of sacrificing themselves for the ones they love--it's been around for as long as humanity. The idea isn't just in your books and movies though, I've witnessed humans sacrificing themselves countless times. I knew that if I threatened your brother, you would give yourself up." She chuckled lightly. "You humans are so predictable, but you did surprise me. You've always told me that you don't regret your decision, but now your brother has gone to the one place that you can never follow. So, I can't help but wonder, do you still think it was worth it?"

Kostas remained still. He had always been proud of his decision; proud he could save his little brother and give him a wonderful life. However, now he thought back to all the times he had seen the sorrow in Korbin's eyes whenever the hellions were attacking him. The contract had, in many ways, brought pain to Korbin as well as Kostas--just in the fact that Korbin knew Kostas and he would be forever separated. "I don't know." Kostas looked down at the tombstone and sighed sadly. "I really don't know."

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