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"So...are we just not gonna mention how fucking racist my name sounds?"
Black blurts out, causing Zamasu to choke on his cereal.

"Okay, that's really fucking rude of you to start dying while I'm talking. You're interrupting me." Black continues,  narrowing his eyes and watching as Zamasu's face transitions from green to blue...then...purple. Shit. He's a rainbow.

"Can you stop being gay and consider my fucking statement?" Black whines out, and the kaioshin falls to the ground, still choking.

"Dear fucking god. I mean dear fucking you. Us. Whatever." Black hops down from his stool, landing on Zamasu's stomach, cereal flying out of Zamasu's mouth. The kaioshin breathes in a large gulp of air as his face turns green again.  Black rolls his eyes.

"Are you done now? I need an answer."

"Fuck you! You were going to just let me die! I mean, I can't die, but that's beside the point. I will fucking obliterate your ass, you goddamn monkey man." Zamasu yelled, standing up and throwing black into a desk, which broke under his weight. Black wasn't phased, he just looked up and tilted his head.

"In...in what context are you obliterating my ass?"

Zamasu blasted him.

"I fucking hate you, you son of a whore." The kaioshin mutters.

"Ouch. I never knew my mom."

"Maybe I was talking about your dad. What was Goku's father's name? Bardock?"

"The scientist?"

"Okay, you know what, you're the fucking whore."

"And my name is racist."

"You know what? Yes. Yes it is. Fuck you and your racist fucking name. What kind of name is Black anyways? We didn't even come up with it, it was those dumbass mortals. Fucking weirdos."

"Oh, yeah. You always called me Zamasu in the show, didn't you?"

"Yeah, those assholes just demanded to be specific."

"Okay, then what should I be called?"

Zamasu pauses before answering, allowing himself time to think.

"Rose. Let's call you rose."

"Zamasu, you're a fucking genius."

"Rose, you're a fucking whore. And so is the scientist."

To make up for the delay in release of A Saiyan State of Mind's sequel A Kaioshin Change of Heart, I present to you this bullshit. Enjoy.

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