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If you thought Zamasu and Rose were gone you're wrong. They didn't really go very far, they're too lazy for that after having to put in all of that effort to find the dragon's balls. Shenron is like, 40 miles long, okay? So they watched that whole stupid exchange and went back down after seeing the scientist faint.

"What's up, losers? He's alive again for half an hour and you have already killed our dad." Rose says, folding his arms and scrunching up his nose.

"Shut up, Black! It wasn't my fault. Vegeta is the one who confused him."

"My name is Rose now. And of course, blame everything on poor Vegeta. Why are you even friends with him, gete? All he ever does is surpass you and laugh in your face about it." Black said, walking over to Vegeta.

"This is not about Vegeta! This is about my unconscious father. Also, good fuck, didn't we kill you two assholes?"Goku cries.

"Oh, but it's never about Vegeta." Rose pouts, then leans in and whispers, "call me." in Vegeta's ear before walking back over to Zamasu, who promptly slaps him.

"Stop acting like a whore!" Zamasu shouts. Then Bardock wakes up, sitting up and looking around. He sees his son, and his...other son.

"Is this some sick joke?" He asks, "Are you two twins and just fucking with my head? Did I fucking give birth to twins?!"

Goku and Rose look at each other.

"Are we twins?"

"No...yes. No."

Vegeta interrupts, frustrated by the idiocy. Good shit.

"For fuck's sake, Canterlot! Black!"

"My name is Rose."


"Close enough."

"You're not twins, you're the same person! Now shut up both of you!"

"You're hot when you're mad."

"What the fuck?!"

Bardock shakes his head then screams out 'Quiet!' before asking a question.

"Are any of you here straight?!"

Vegeta raises his hand, and Goku gasps, clearly offended. "Don't lie, Veggie!"

"Fuck you, Kalifornia."

"Did you just spell California with a K?"


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