The Forgotten Carol's (Ms.O.×Oscar)

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A\N this takes place back in s1.

Ms.O.s P.O.V.

I was sitting at my desk working on a big stack of paperwork. I was so stressed. It was almost Christmas so lots of agents were taking days off, leaving me with their paperwork. I took another drink of my juice box. Oscar walked in.

"Still working on paperwork?" He asked.

"Yep" I said.

"Come on Ms.O. its almost Christmas! Ditch the paperwork and let's get in the Christmas spirit!" Oscar said excitedly.

"I can't Oscar, there's just so much to do and.."

"Oh come on Ms.O.!" He cut me off. Look Michael McLean's " The Forgotten Carols" is playing tonight at "Joeys Theater" I was going to take my sister, but she got sick so I have an extra ticket."

"Well.." I hesitated, "Okay".

"Yes!" Oscar exclaimed.

At the theater

We gave our ticket's to a woman at the front desk and headed in. There was beautiful music playing as we found our seats, in the middle of the stage there was a big lit Christmas tree. It was all so beautiful. We sat down.

"Have you ever been to " The Forgotten Carol's "?" Asked Oscar.

I shook my head.

"I try to go every year. I like it because it makes you feel all happy inside. Its also cool because the guy who created it -Michael McLean- plays uncle John and his wife plays Sarah." He explained.

The lights Dimmed and the play started. I had to admit it was a good play, I loved the comedy and the songs made you feel good inside. I was smiling so hard after the first song "Let Him In". Soon it was intermission. Oscar and I walked out to look at the things for sale. I kept eyeing the book version of " The Forgotten Carols". I picked it up and started looking through it, it had the songs and everything! Oscar looked at me.

"Do you want it?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you want it?" He asked again.

"Yeah, but I couldn't ask you to..."

"We'll take the book, one set of ornaments, two of the new ornaments, and two recordings." Oscar told the cashier, cutting me of.

"Thanks." I said.

After we bought the stuff we headed back inside. The play started again. The rest of the play was amazing, my favorite song was Connie Lue's carol. After the play ended the cast came out and took there bows, then Michael McLean talked to the audience, then they sang John's Carol, then he made us link arms and sing the line "we can be together forever someday", then we sang " Silent Night", then he had us hum it as he left the stage. Afterwards we got everything sighed by Michael McLean and headed back.

Back at headquarters

I picked up my stuff getting ready to leave. Oscar sat on the couch. He got up and gave me my book, one of the recordings, one set of ornaments, one of the new ornaments.

"Here." He said."...Ms.O. I.."

"Yes...?" I asked.

It was then that he kissed me. As he pulled away I smiled.

"Goodnight Oscar." I said.

"Night" he replied.

We headed home.

A\N here's your weekly update! Wow that took a long time to write! (Seriously I started this the Monday after Thanksgiving). For the record I don't know if "The Forgotten Carols" goes on tour in Candida but what eve. I will most likely update on Christmas. Thanks for reading!

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