Recruit and Observe

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Soundwave and his fem creation Laserbeak have been watching this group for awhile now. The death toll of humans have reached an all time high. Elites were brought together to prevent the death count from climbing. Soundwave was watched the founders of Overwatch.

As of current, he watched as Strike-Commander Morrison and Commander Reyes prepare to bust the Deadlock gang. Soundwave was rather intrigued. He checked out Deadlock once he heard about their plan, and found a 'diamond in the rough,' some would say.

There were mainly adult males there, but he saw one youngling or teen among them. All the men showed a lot of respect to him. This teen was considered their weapon with the way they talked about him. They all knew that the young teen's skills outclassed their own.

It was the skills as a sharpshooter. Soundwave was able to witness the teen's Dead Eye. The sheer magnitude of this teen's skill impressed Soundwave. With some discipline and training, the young teen could give Overwatch 'a run for its money' as humans would say.

Though Soundwave was pretty sure if it came down to it, they would leave the young teen behind. He would compare the Deadlock to Sta-

Soundwave's spark skipped a beat at the comparison. Even away, his home and past still hurt him. His very spark longed to be home, but Soundwave knew he could never reach that dream. Even if he was able to get out of the Shadowzone, the Autobots would lock him up.

Turning back to the Commanders, Soundwave had an idea. He waited until Commander Reyes was alone in his room. Soundwave followed in his Holoform and saw the commander's datapad. Soundwave worked his magic and connected to it.

Soundwave had learned that he could use his Holoform in order to save energy. It was useful seeing as he could watch over the humans easier, being a taller human size. The other thing he learned in the Shadowzone, was his connection to networks still existed.

On the datapad, Soundwave messaged Gabriel the file on the teen gunslinger and a note to recruit him. Gabriel saw this and read through the file. He played the videos that showed the teen's skills. Gabriel looked intrigued with what he saw, but instantly glared at the datapad.

[Just who the hell are you!? And how did you get this IP address!?] Gabriel sent back.

[I'm of no importance,] Soundwave sent back. [Just know I see such potential in the young gunslinger. He'd be useful to you and Blackwatch.]

[Just how do I know I can trust the information you gave me?] Gabriel asked.

[You can't,] Soundwave replied honestly. [All you can do is see how trustworthy I am. I highly suggest that you reconsider recruitment of the teen.]

[And why in the hell should I do that?]

[You cannot trust my words, but I assure you, he has a lot of promise. He has been misguided for too long, and I believe you can show him the way.]

[Fine, I'll consider it. Could you at least give me your name?]

[The name is Wave. We will be in contact if I see any other recruits or information that would benefit you and your mission. I trust you to make precise decisions with what I give you. Do not relay any of this info to anyone, or see the lack of information.] Soundwave watched as Reyes stared at the screen.

Gabriel was in deep thought about his conversation with this 'Wave' character. He wasn't so sure if he could trust such information, but Wave seemed very reasonable. Gabriel did see potential in the young teen. He wasn't even sure how to take Wave's threat of no info. Or lack of one.

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