The Calm

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McCree was sleeping soundly until he heard his phone go off. He looked at his alarm clock that read 4:15am, and grumbled about how Gabriel would always wake him at an ungodly hour. McCree grabbed his phone and read the message.

[Jesse, come to my office A. S. A. P. Bring your datapad.]

McCree got up to get dressed. Then he made his way over with his datapad. On the way, he looked through it and was he got a new message. Before he could read it, he entered Gabriel's office. McCree schooled his face with a look of displeasure.

"Why'd I have to come here so early? I just came back from a mission!" McCree yelled.

"I need to see your datapad. You have some information we need for our next mission," Gabriel explained.

"How would I have the information? Morrison don't even trust me to be in them meeting!"

"Jesse, let me see your datapad and I'll explain everything."

So McCree passed it over while grumbling about always be left in the dark. Gabriel looked through the datapad, saw the unread message McCree saw, and opened it.

"It seems he wants to bring you into the fold," Gabriel said with a sigh. "I guess he does trust you more that Jack," Gabriel mused to himself.

"What are ya talkin' about? What fold!? Who would trust me and not the Strike-Commander?"

"Look, Jesse. What I'm about to tell you it top secret. The Strike-Commander doesn't even know much about what I'm going to tell you. This stays between me and you until he says otherwise," Gabriel said seriously. "He is the only one that's going to help us in dire situations, but only if he stays a secret."

"Understand," McCree says seriously. "I'll keep my mouth shut. Now who's he?"

Gabriel turns the datapad back to McCree after forwarding the message to himself. McCree looks to see the new message he got was a file from someone he didn't know.

"He is known as Wave. He's a secret agent in Blackwatch that didn't exist until a few days before we took down most Deadlock," Gabriel begins. "Wave has a wide variety of information that he reports to me for our mission. He specializes in espionage, infiltration, and communications."

"Okay, and what does this have to do with me?" McCree asked in confusion.

"He messaged me this morning that you were to be informed about him and his daughter. Wave believes you have the right to this classified information."

"So this 'Beak' person is Wave's daughter? But why allow me such a privilege? I'm nothing but a criminal in Morrison's eye."

"Wave operates off the grid, so to speak. He sees that you have potential, and you're one person he trust other than me. With what Wave has to offer and you being the second person to join this small group, you should be honored being trusted with the world's secrets."

McCree was shocked. Most people looked down on him, with Captain Amari and Gabriel being the exception. Someone who's off the grid and has never met him actually trusts him with access of information that no one else has. McCree was actually grateful for this.

"Okay, so Beak is my connection to Wave? Is that why I have the file? Cause they trust me with it?"

"That's one of the reasons. Plus, you said it yourself. You're considered a criminal. Who would think a criminal had access to large amounts of detailed information?"

McCree saw the logic behind that reasoning. No one would suspect him of having such classified and sensitive information, being a former Deadlock member. Information like this was probably safe with him than any other agent in the organization itself.

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