Not A Safe World...

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The good thing about being a team of mainly Soldiers was their team had plenty of people from the Air Force who knew how to fly planes. They didn't fly too high, just enough to where the zombies could just barely reach them. The plan was to tease and kill them. Some got decapitated, others drowned in the bodies of water the crew flew over before reaching their destination. 

The Team was headed for South America. There had to be a safe place somewhere. Somewhere that wasn't affected by the virus. The plan was a lot better thought out in their heads than when it was actually executed. 

The world was shit. It had turned into total and complete shit. It didn't matter where they went. Everywhere that was once a nice place was now taken over by these things. The only decent places were the places that were destroyed by wars and had never gotten the chance to be repaired. The 'Bies knew there was no food for them there. The crew landed at one of these places and hoped like hell they would be safe. Now all they had to do was use the food even more sparingly or else it would get too low... 

As unfortunately predicted, the food supply got super low to where it didn't exist. People died from starvation and sickness and everyone had to do what they could to survive. That meant eating the meat they left behind. It had to be done for survival. 

The few who were still going lost track of the days that passed. Team Members would still fly around to see if there were humans still around. There weren't. Zombies starting eating each other to survive. Luckily for the humans, that meant the Zombie Population was declining, which led to easier kills. Now it was time to repopulate and try to bring life back to how it used to be. Starting from the very beginning. 

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