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Okay guys, so this is going to be my new book. I do plan on finishing this one and hoping to be a great hit! So with no further issues i may began my prologue.


Chris' POV

I can't believe they are making me fly across the world just because I got kicked out of my old school. London to California, what's so good about California anyways? My mum and stepdad, Nick, care about me and doesn't want to see me end up in jail. Like really? I'm smarter than that. But anyways, if they want the best for me, why the fuck did they take me away from the place I've known for 16 years?

Sighing, I picked up my phone and changed the song to "The Story Of My Old Man" by Good Charlotte. Like everybody else in the world, I have a real dad with my DNA. He left when I was 14. I was glad, my dad was always an abusive drunk. Even tried to rape me when I was 13. To be honest, I've always been trouble since the day I turned 13.

I don't mind though. I rather keep to myself than to judge me from my past. I turned around only to end up seeing my mum and Nick snog each other faces off. Sighing once again I took out my book and started reading. This is going to be a long, rough year.


So there you have it. The beginning of my new book. I'm half way done with chapter one, so I hope to update again in a hour or so. It's so nice to start writing again. Trust me. This will be the best.



Facebook-Chrislynn Harris

Currently working on getting a twitter and tumblr cx

Comment below what you think so far please.

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