Chapter one: The Hell Hole Called Lakewood

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Chris' POV


I woke up to the most absurd sound I've ever heard in my life. Groaning, I banged my alarm clock and got off my warm squishy bed. Looking around I realized I wasn't in London anymore. Oh how I miss my friends. I dragged my feet over to the washroom and turned on the nice refreshing water.


I walked into my closet to pick out my clothes. Having a famous mum does come with it's benefits. I picked out a black skirt, a white crop top thats says unstable in black letters, black stockings, and black combat boots with gold studs on the back. I grabbed my items and quickly went back to the washroom. I quickly added black eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick to my face and lips.

Sighing I look in the mirror. I used to have two gorgeous violet eyes, but ever since the accident I have a grey eye and a violet eye. Covering it up with my bang, I grabbed my black leather jacket and headed downstairs. There lays mum and Nick eating breakfast together.

"Good morning, to my loving family who moved me across the world just because of some stupid fight" I said with the fakest nice voice ever invented.

"Well good morning to you too sweetie. It's for the best. Who knows. Maybe a fresh start is what you need." My mum said.

"Yeah. Fresh starts means a new aduittue." Nick say giving me a look that says he mean business.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my black hat and started heading out the door.

"I'm taking my ass to school. So don't miss me too much." Slamming the door shut in the process.

Yeah, I guess you can say I was a little to harsh on them. I mean, they just want the best for my right ? Sighing, I opened up my car door and started the engine. Thanks to my 16th birthday, mum and Nick bought me a bright red Mercedes to drive around in. Sometimes you just gotta love them no matter what they put you through. Smiling, I backed out of the driveway. Maybe they're right, this could me a new start for me.


Finding a parking spot in this school is absolutely hard. Every where I looked there was either a car there or a car about to pull in. Finally, finding a spot close to the front office, I parked and just sat there for a couple of minutes.

This school was okay I guess. It was right by a beach, so anytime I wanted to skip I could just go there. Idiots every where was running around trying to find the latest gossip. Like really? Do ya'll have anything better to do? Putting on my hat and jacket, I finally decided to get out of my car. It wasn't a big surprise to see everyone staring at me. It's not often you see a new girl around the school building.

Ignoring them I walked into the office. When I walked in, there was a lady in her mid-30s typing on the computer. She had on a bright pink shirt and a whole lotta make-up. Something tells me she thinks very low of herself.

"Hey, barbie doll. Would you mind telling me what you did with my schedule?" I smirked.

"Um. I-I oh h-here it is. Ms. T-Torres?" She stuttered.

Smiling, knowing that I got the reaction I wanted. I snatched the paper out of her hand and walked out. At least someone knows who's in charge.

Walking into the school was a drag. Everybody was staring like they never saw a girl. Like really? What the fuck is wrong with them?! I am a human being just like them. I'm not a troublemaker. HA! That made me laugh. I am a total troublemaker. I was so caught up in daydreaming that I didn't notice a guy precisely cute that had bumped into me.

I looked up, ready to smack the shit out of him. But I guess you would say the "cat caught my tongue". This gut was H-O-T, hot. He had silky black hair that covered his bright blue eyes. His cheekbones were very defined. And lips.....were so pink. I seriously wanted to kiss him right then and there.

"Watch where you're going prick." This mysterious guy said to me in such a cold voice. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Excuse me?" I said daring him to piss me off.

"I said, watch were you're going. Is the little bitch deaf?" He teased me with that beautiful smirk of his.

"Well sorry to bust your bubble, love. I would never move my place for a man whore who only cares about how many blow-jobs he gets a day." I said mimicking his smirk.

I could tell he was shocked. I guess he wasn't used to people who fought back. That's his fault for messing with the wrong girl at the wrong time.

"Now if you're done pestering me. I'll be on my ways to class." I smiled politely before walking away to my first period class.

Unfortunately the bell starting ring letting the rest of the students know that they're late to class.

"Great. Why just stick a needle up my as-" Stopping as i felt someone push me against the locker. Looking up, I saw the same stunning boy with cold eyes.

"What the hell! What guy just goes around slamming girls into lockers" I yelled.

And all that bastard did was chuckle. Well fuck him.

"What's your name sweetheart."

I glared. "Chris."


"Does it look like I care who the fuck you are?"

"You know. You're the only person I know who would talk back to me."

"Maybe you need a good beating." I smirked.

He moves closer. "Who says you can take me on, sweet cheeks."

"Uh." I blushed. What the hell! I, Chrislynn Torris, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT blush.

"Exactly." He moves back smirking.

"Whatever, loser." I smile once I saw his smirk fading.

"Listen here." He started to say.

"Sorry, but I'm late for class." I smirked walking away. Maybe, just maybe. Lakewood won't be a hell hole like I thought it was.


There you have it. CHAPTER FREAKING ONE!! Woohooo I did it. And I'm already starting Chapter 2. Well anywho. I hope you enjoyed it.



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