Chapter Two: A Ride With Zack

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Chris' POV

Finally, school is over. Who knew that American schools were such a bore. I opened my locker (more like banged) and stuff all my books, especially my homework there.

Out of the whole day I made ZERO friends. Which I don't mind, but still, I thought at least one person would try to talk to me.

"Don't you need your homework, sweetheart?" I heard a familiar, husky voice from behind me. It turns out we have ALL of our classes together. It's shocking actually.

Fighting my urge to smile, "Me? Oh, I don't do homework, Love. I just turn them in blank." Not bothering to look back at him.

"You must be a rebel than." Even though I can't see him. I can still feel him smirking at his own comment.

"You know it." I said, closing my locker and turning to face him. "Now, why are you talking to me?"

His smile dropped instantly. And i swear, I saw hurt in his eyes. It almost made me want to take back what I had said to him.

"What? I'm not allowed to talk to you."

"I don't talk to jerks."

"Who said I was a jerk?"

"I did."

He walked closer to me. "Oh yeah. And how do I know your just trying to make me mad"

"Please, I just state the truth love. I never intend for you to get mad."

He smirks. "Well it looks like someone is stuck up just like the rich and popular kids."

I glared, "Popular isn't my thing."

He chuckles, "Sweetheart, I believe different."

Rolling my eyes, I started to walk away. This guy was so full of himself. Out of everybody in this whole school, why did it have to be him that ended up talking to me?

"Wait." He said grabbing my arm.

"What the hell?" I said not even bothering to look at him.

"You're coming with me."

Turning around shocked, "excuse me?"

He smirks, "You heard me, you are coming with me." Thats when he started dragging me to the exit. Everyone was totally staring, but I would be to if i see a sexy, gorgeous guy dragging a girl away to the exit.

Sighing once we exit the building, there just two feet away from us was a motorcycle. It was a black Harley of course and it looked like it was freshly polish. Zack walked up to it and smiled.

"Isn't she a beauty?"

Rolling my eyes I said, "yeah whatever. Is this why you dragged me across the school?"

He shakes his head and climbs on his bike. "Hop on."

Now don't get me wrong. It's not everyday that a really hot guy would ask me to ride on his bike. But I'm absolutely afraid of motorcycle. Ever since my real dad brought one home with us 3 years ago. That was the most painful experience in my life.

"Uh. I don't think so." I said rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet.

He smirks, "sweetheart, there's no reason to be scared. I've had my years of experience.

Chuckling, "well since you put it that way. No."

"Yeah whatever." He picked my up and put me right behind him. That jerk. "Now hold on tight. Don't want you falling off the bike, now don't we?"

We he started the bike, my hand quickly went to his waist. It felt so right, but it also felt wrong. I rest my face against his back not thinking twice about it. I just wanted him close to me.

After about 20 minutes the bike had stopped. I was beginning to think that his bike turned out to be junk.

"Sweetheart, can you like get off me now. I mean, I know i'm comfy and all, but I do need my space." He smirks.

Rolling my eyes I got off the bike with no problem. "Cocky much?" I said while shuffling around for my medicine. Turns out I'm out. Which means another doctors visit. Woohoo!

"Yeah, its a shame that I have such a low self esteem."

I chuckled, "What ever keeps your knickers up right."

"Sweetheart, I don't have any knickers on." He winked. He grabbed my hand and started walking along the side walk.

Rolling my eyes, "where are we going anyways?"

That same damn smirk pops up again on his beautiful face.

"I just wanted to walk around."

"Couldn't you do that on your own?"

"Sweetheart, you should no by now. I do not walk on my own."

I glared, "So i'm another one of your girls?"

"I guess you could say that."

I snatched my hand away from him, and started walking away. "Fuck you!"

He didn't even bother coming after me. I swear, why out of all people did it have to be that jackass! I felt my face turning red. Not just my face, but my whole body. Taking my meds are out of the question. So I have to do my best to calm down. I felt some wet drops coming down my face. "Shit!" I started running. Turns out. We wasn't that far away from the school. I ran thorough the parking lot and into my car.

"Note to self. Tell Zack how much of a jackass he is." I mumbled to my self and quickly drive out of the parking lot.


There ya go! Chapter two cx. I hoped yall guys liked it. What do you think about Chris so far? Or Zack? Well, tootles



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