Chapter Three: Tell Me Something I Don't Know

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Chris' POV

I walked in slamming the door shut. I quickly went upstairs and started throwing everything around. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't believe this was happening right now! It's been 6 years since I had one this big. I threw a vase against the wall. What the hell is wrong with him! Calling me another one of his sluts. I would rather died than to be one.

"Sweetie, one of your friends are-Oh dear!" My mum rushed in trying to calm me. "It's okay sweetheart. Just relax." She said as she was searching around for my medicine.

"I-it's gone. I f-forgot to tell y-you." I tried to say but the words didn't come out right. I was so mad. Over something so stupid. Everything around me was red. My skin especially. I've always had a weak heart. Ever since that day. My heart would beat slower never catching up to my anger. I kept trying to breathe for air. But it got harder and harder every time.

"Relax. Sweetie. Nick!" My mum shouted for my stepdad. But also keeping a far but close distance between us. Cause me and her both know I don't want to end up hurting her.

Then I realized she said one of my friends came over. "M-mum, w-what friend d-did you s-say came o-over?"

"Oh, I think his name was Zack."

Zack? The anger came i back stronger than ever. "Why the hell did you let him in" I screamed throwing everything I could at my black and gray wall. Just thinking about him makes me mad. Once i ran out of stuff to throw i started punching the wall over and over again.

"Chrislynn?" I deep, husky voice said. I was so caught up in my own world that I almost missed it. Relaxing only slightly I turned around facing the mysterious figure.

There stood Zack. I didn't realized how tall he was until now. I mean he had to be at least 6'3. But than I realized how mad I was at him. "Get out! I want you to get out of my house!" I screamed while throwing stuff at him. He wouldn't go away. Zack kept walking towards me and I didn't understand why. He grabbed a hold of my wrist making me stop whatever else I was about to throw at him.

"L-leave me a-alone!" I tried to scream, but it didn't come out the way I wanted it. It was barely a whisper.

"Calm down. I knew you were a bad ass, but I didn't know you was that bad." He tried to joke.

I couldn't stop shaking no matter how much I'd try. He made me so mad, but yet he's here right now helping me.

I smirked, "T-tell m-me s-something I don't k-know."

I didn't realize how much I was bleeding until I felt the blood dripping all over me. But there was one thing on my mind right now.

"H-how d-did you f-find out w-where I l-live?"

He smirked, "I followed you of course."

How I didn't realize a sound of a motorcycle following me is beyond my imagination, but the thing that I realize is that he did come after me. He did. I smiled and slide down against the wall into sitting position. My skin and face was still red and I heard my mum talking to someone but I was fading out quickly. I touched his face realizing the was a bloody mark on it. I tried to say something, but no words will pronounce. The last thing I heard was someone saying. "Everything will be okay."


I woke up to a beeping noise and the smell of clorox. "What in the bloody hell?" I mumbled rolling over on my side. I can't believe I got myself in the hospital THE DAY AFTER I made it to California. Technically it wasn't my fault. "Maybe I could change my name and moved to Turkey." I said to myself. There was a deep chuckle somewhere in the room. I sat up rather quickly much to my liking, only to see Zack sitting right next to my bed.

"What are you doing here?"

He smirked, "I told your mom and dad that I'll take good care of you while they are out of town."

It wasn't a big surprise that my parents leave me with a strange especially a boy. They honestly have too much trust in me. For all they know I could be knocked up by next week.

I sighed and stood up, "Well go get the nurse and tell her I'm ready to leave, my servant." I smirked.

"I am not your manny."

"You basically agreed to be my manny, sweetheart."

He groans and stomped out of the room. Seeing Zack act like a child really does put a smile on my face. I never imagine befriending someone, so odd .

I stood from my bed only to groan in pain . Seems like I have the colleywobbles. I groaned louder.

"What's wrong?" Zack asked walking slowly to me .

"Seems like a developed a colleywobble."


"An upset stomach."

"Why didn't you just say that you big weirdo."

"I'm the weirdo ! Just get my phone so we can leave !"

"What do I look like to you!" Zack said

"My manny!" I grumbled.

"Get you're own damn phone."

I groan and grabbed my phone . This boy will be the death of me .

"Let's go."



Well that's all for now !

School is over

For 53 days ._.

More like 8 weeks

Ughh. High school .

More drama.

Anyways comment and vote . Before the skittle monster eats your skittles.

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