9: Of Cats Don't Dance

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I am terribly sorry for that last chapter. It was too late at night when I wrote it and I've been mentally ill for that past couple of days because of a certain fic that has been bothering me greatly called (wait for it; it is so feelsy it needs its own shoutout) LOVING GERMANY and it is horrible and it is killing me slowly so the next few chapters might make no sense. So now you know. But as an apology, I have created a crazy chapter based on the movie, "Cats Don't Dance" which is a terrifying movie and I don't suggest it for the faintest of hearts. And there is a song... well, if you watch the movie you will get it but it is fairly creepy and I am INCORPORATING IT INTO LE CHATROOM! So beware and take caution while reading this:

Admin: Welcome to the theater. Today we will be performing "Little Boat on the Sea." Enjoy!


Gandalf: Oh the people they were so bad *evil stare*

Frodo: That the Lord made the rain come down

Admin: *makes rain fall from the sky in a downpour*

Sam: And they washed away all of the bad cities

Admin: *creates flood on stage*

Sam. Frodo, Gandalf, Gimli: *drown slowly into the water*


Admin: *laughs maniacally*

Legolas: *magically is floating in the air because he can*

Okay guys, I decided to update two AT THE SAME TIME. This is because I haven't updated in a while because of writer's block. So I think I owe you more. So here. Be happy.

Lord of the Rings ChatroomDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora