38: Of... Legamin

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Everyone: *waits patiently outside of Admin's door*

Gandalf: Maybe I won't even need to set up the blind date *squeals*

Frodo: Captain!

Gandalf: Yes Frodo?

Frodo: *is looking through keyhole* I have news

Gandalf: *anxiety is building* What is it

Frodo: Legolas just kissed Admin

Everyone: *happy gasp* *silent cheers*

Admin: *all of a sudden comes bolting out of her room, cheeks flushed*

Everyone: *scatters and pretends they were never there*

Legolas: *comes running out of her room after her* Admin! Please come back! I'm sorry!


Legolas: *catches up, panting* I'm sorry Admin.

Admin: *turns around to face him* Don't worry Legolas *is smiling* You don't have to be sorry

Legolas: *confused* why not?

Admin: Because you made me feel better

Legolas: *kisses her again*

There you go, guys! I'm sorry, it sucks. I was nervous. But you guys so strongly forced it that I had to write it for all of mein loyal followers, after all you have done for me.

Speaking of which, UNDER 10 VOTES UNTIL I GET TO 400! When I get to 400 I'll post a 400 chapter, just as I did with 200. It might be a bit insane, but from what you've read, I think you'll be okay.

Also, please read mein bio. I have an email address there that is non-private that where you may email me about anything.

Last of all, every few chapters, I am going to announce someone who has been an outstanding follower the past couple of chapters, or who just deserve a little shoutout. I hope you will take mein suggestions into consideration and go check out whoever's account I announce.

This chapter's has to be for... *drumroll please*


Her vocabulary is extraordinary and (obviously you are a Lord of the Rings fan if you are reading this) I am sure that all of you would love her Lord of the Rings story. She deserves many more followers and votes than she has and I am hoping you will realize this as you read her books.

That's all!

I love you all so much,


OOH! And one more thing! When I get to 500 votes, I will tell you guys mein real first name! Better get voting ;)

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