44: Of Money

456 29 27

Gandalf: *bathes in money*

Gandalf: *wears clothes made of money*

Gandalf: *glues dollar bills all over his staff*

Gandalf: *eats money*

Gandalf: *drinks money*

Gandalf: *breaths money*

Everyone: W

Everyone: T

Everyone: F

New ship guys!

Gandey OR Mondalf

Gandalf x Money

The OTPolice is going to kill me for this XD

I'm going to start a "story." In this will be some random one-shots.

I started this on a plane back home from California, USA.

I just randomly decided to write a random paragraph about a random girl who does random stuff. I wrote more of them and now I have a collection that I'd like to share with you guys.

So look out for that!

Also, not enough people have entered the Collab Story.

Please enter in the comments on my last chapter!

I know all of you guys are great writers and I would really appreciate if someone would join.

Everyone who does gets to be one of my best WattPad friends EVER.

(ah, the perks of bribery)

This is going to be a really long afterthought, isn't it.

So, I'm driving back home on a 14-hour-stretch in a car.

A car full of a tired mother and 2 male children.


I'm using my mom's hotspot at the moment so... that's why you are hearing from me.

We just stopped to get some Krispy Kreme (if you don't know what that is, look it up). I am carsick. My legs are cramped. I have no pillow. My seatbelt is digging into my hip.


I'm also going to change my description to something more... informing.

Await it! Also, when I get to 500 votes, I have decided on what I am going to do.

Actually, it isn't exactly decided.

More like 'am thinking of doing.'

I have a couple of options. YOU GUYS HAVE TO VOTE:

•my age

•my country

•what I look like

•my email

(I cannot quite to a picture of myself because my mother is very sensitive about Internet safety.)



Also, I would like for you guys to comment what you think I look like. Just describe me and my personality as you see me in real life. I will give you a percentage of how accurate you are.

I love you all!


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