43: Of Axe

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Gimli: *heartbroken*

Legolas: What is it, good friend?

Gimli: I woke up this morning and my axe wasn't there!

Legolas: So?

Gimli: I ALWAYS sleep with my axe!

Legolas: Just find it.

Gimli: that's the thing! I think it's been replaced!

Legolas: *starts to get bored* By what?

Gimli: SoMe StUpId MeN's DeOdErAnT


Gimli: AnD iT's An ImPoStEr


Gimli: BeCaUsE iT iS nAmEd AxE tOo

Legolas: Wow, this is serious

*puts on black shades while some huge explosion goes off in the background*

real serious

Okay guys! This is a pretty strange chapter but I have to think some more for this amazing chapter that my awesome friend @dreamscape07 came up with.


I want to start a collaborative story. I will post an entire chapter on it in a second. Please read the entire next chapter and please don't skip it.

•3• -Ellä

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