46: Of MadiB79's Contest

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Admin: So guys, Ellä has entered this story in @MadiB79 's Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit Fanfic Contest!

Frodo: Exciting, huh?

Admin: Yeah, and you can go read about it all if you want to but I'll just outline it for you:

I have to get the most nice comments and votes (i think)on my story about the chatroom.

It would be fabulous if you guys could contribute to this cause.

Sam: There are a couple things you could do to help such as...

Gimli: Promoting my account for the contest

Gandalf: Or maybe commenting a lot

Admin: Now, this is a form of self-promotion, and I feel super guilty, but I wanted you guys to know about this opportunity for me

Aragorn: Also, we would like to know if we should create a fanfiction contest for you guys, and who would join?

Elrond: Apart from that, only one amazing writer has entered the Collab Story. The sign up is on one of latest chapters and it would be magnificent if any of you could join. Don't be afraid that you are a horrible writer, because we know that it isn't true.

Admin: Toodle-doo!

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