I've been tagged, part 2

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1. I still don't have a crush.
2. Still Disney movies like tangled and zootropolis
3. Still don't have a favourite TV show
4. I don't have an ex, unless you count the "boyfriend" in year 1 and if so then hell no.
5. Girl I trust: my sister-in-law
6. Boy I trust: not my brothers xD
7. It changes a lot, but currently satellite-Gabbie Hanna or the Kelly Clarkson Christmas song that I don't know what its called.
8. I'm boring. I don't have one...
9. "When its raining  look for rainbows, when its dark, look for stars⭐"
10. There's no point in saying my best friends irl names because they aren't on wattpad, but my best internet friend is noodlerally
11. I love most food.
12. Ladders and heights. Not a great mix.
13. I don't know what shop I like the best.
14. Jolly ranchers ( but they are rare where I live :( )
15. I last texted my internet friend!

Proper kiible update coming later.

Sorry, I don't know who to tag, most people have already been tagged, so if you want to do it,
I nominate whoever reads this!

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