Chapter 29| Epigraph - Pt. 1

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''The past has past,
It's the future we got to worry about''


ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 29 | ᴇᴘɪɢʀᴀᴘʜ - ᴘᴛ. 1

'Sara Jayden Bennet!', I shout ,'stop struggling!'

When she didn't stop, I warned her,'Or I'll tell your father!'

That made her stop so I can successfully change her diapers. I let out a sigh when I was done. The Struggle we had was definitely exhausting.

'Mama?', 3 year old Sara asked ,'Me play! Me play!'

'Okay', I laughed ,'Go play. I'm sure Trevor is in the living room as well. You can play with him'

Trevor was our new golden retriever puppy whom we got just a month ago to entertain our daughter when we couldn't.

Oh and by 'our', I meant, mine and Brett's.

I sit on the nearest sofa and place my hand on my second new baby bump. It's tiring to be an already mother. It's even more tiring if my next baby would be as naughty as our first.

But, Brett wanted two or more babies for the Jayden household. I managed to get him to agree on two.

Suddenly I felt wet and was in a sudden tinge of pain. I started to breathe heavily as my eyes widened in shock,'Sara! Get mama her phone!'

Sara was back by my side immediately,'Mama here!' She basically threw the phone into my hand. She was definitely a hyper kid.

The next thing I knew, I was dialing Brett.

'Hey babe-', his sexy husky voice stopped when he heard me hyperventilating,'babe are you okay?'

'I'm fudging not!', I shriek ,'My water broke!'

Ever since Sara came in to our life, we reduced our cuss words to a smaller value. Like for fuck, we use fudge and we use bee for bitch.

Why am I explaining this to you even? My fudging water broke!

'Oh shrek', he said. Shrek means shit,'Tell me you called the doctors? Ambulance?'

'No', I groan,'I'll do it right now. Bye'

I cut the line without hearing him say bye and dial for an ambulance and when they picked up and asked me what my situation was, I answered simply yet hyperventilatingly,' I'm going to have my second child!'


All I remember was being pushed on a stretcher through a bright lighted hallway. My eyes were drooping and sleepy but refused to stay shut for long.

'Baby? Hazel! Hazel!', my husband, Brett appeared at my side,'It's going to be okay baby. It's going to be okay'

And before I knew it, I was in a private room, pushing to give birth to a new life.


Apparently I had gone unconscious. When I woke up, I was freshly changed into a hospital dress and felt as if needles were sticking on to my arm.

I sat a little more straight and saw Sara sleeping on a chair as Brett was standing over a baby cradle, pushing it back and forth, humming a song. Damn, that was a big cradle. I must have had one of those huge babies. The cuddly ones.

'You're awake', he smiled when he saw me looking,'Wanna see the result of your 6 months of pain?'

I nodded, weakly but happily and held out my arms,'Please. I want to see'

He nodded and picked up a little cute bundle from that huge cradle and kept them on my arms, inside was a cute sleeping baby.

'A girl. Remember we decided on my mother's name if we had a girl? Well, meet Melissa junior', Brett said proudly before he went back to the cradle when obviously it's empty.

Then he picked up another bundle and laid it on my other arm,'The other twin. A boy. We decided on Brody didn't we?'

I almost gasped,'Twins! I gave birth to twins! Beautiful twins...'

What he said completely made me think I was dreaming.

'Triplets', he said and then went back to the cradle and picked up a third child and brought the baby next to me,'You gave birth to triplets. This is another baby boy. We have to decide on a name'

He slowly brought the third bundle closer to me in his arms as I couldn't hold him as my hands were full,'He's an angel'

'what shall we name him? Something uncommon like...', he couldn't think of one example.

'Joseph', I finally say ,'something like Joseph?'

He smiled,'Joseph it is'

I broke down crying; quietly of course and happily,'I gave birth to triplets when I barely expected twins'

'You my darling made my wish come true', Brett carefully leaned in; Joseph in his arms and kissed my forehead, you gave me a bigger family'

I smiled,'I just hope they aren't as naughty as Sara. Or you're staying home from work as well!'

He laughed,'Okay, I will. I can take a leave because I've made enough to keep our family happy for lifetimes', he paused,' Besides Hazel, you're the most valuable and priceless jewel I have to protect and take care of. You define me and my wealth. You're the gold all I need and... I love you Hazel. Remember that. Forever and always'

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