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I put my frosting stained plate and fork into the sink and let some hot water run over it.

"Thank you for the cake!" I said to my mom as I hugged her. Sarah and I put our shoes on and I grabbed my dufflebag.

"Oh shoot, I forgot my phone charger." I said to her as I ran upstairs to my room. I went in and unplugged the charger that was attached to the wall by my bed. Before I turned to leave, something caught my eye. A small box with gold wrapping sat in the middle of my bed. I looked around and picked it up. Did Sarah leave this here when we left my room? Mom and Dad have been downstairs with us the entire time... A small gust of wind blew apart the bangs on my forehead, I looked to the open window. I don't think that was open when I was here twenty minutes ago... I closed the window and took my charger and box downstairs.

"Let's go!" Sarah said by the front door. I quickened my pace and followed her out of the house. We started walking down the street to her place.

"Did you leave this for me?" I said taking the box out of my sweatshirt pocket.

"Nope, where did you find that?" She asked.

"On my bed. But it wasn't there when we were there and my parents didn't go to my room." I said with suspicion.

"Well open it!" She said as she paused her steps. I opened the small box and a note sat on top.

"Happy 18th Birthday, Gwen." I read outloud. I shrugged and removed the note to see a beautiful necklace.

  I shrugged and removed the note to see a beautiful necklace

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"Oh wow." I said, blinking my eyes because I didn't believe it to be real.

"Are you sure this isn't from you?" I asked Sarah.

"I can't afford nice jewelry! Put it on!" She said. I carefully took the necklace out of the box and Sarah helped hook it behind my neck. I was still very confused on where this gift came from, but I looked at the time and we only had an hour until the party was supposed to start. Sarah and I rushed to her house, her mom was gone on a trip with her new boyfriend for a week so Sarah had the place to herself. We headed down the hallway to Sarah's room, pushing open the door that was slightly cracked. For a second we froze, looking at the two men in the room. One was standing and looking at the bookcase, the other sat on the bed, flipping through an issue of Teen Vogue.

"Oh hey!" The one on the bed said, putting down the magazine and standing up. Sarah and I both screamed while our instincts kicked in. They say there are two options, fight or flight. Sarah booked it down the hallway. I grabbed the lamp next to me and lunged at him, swinging full force. He ducked and ran past me to chase Sarah.

"Brendon, don't do something stupid!" The other guy called after him. Brendon? In my train of thought, the other man started leaving the room towards wherever Brendon and Sarah were.

"Did you say Brendon?" I said, grabbing the strangers arm. He pulled away and turned to look at me, baring sharp fangs while his smoldering dark eyes left me feeling cold. The anger in his face softened slightly while his eyes melted into a more brown color. I heard Sarah scream, we broke our eye contact and ran out of her room to the noise.

"You smashed my phone!" She yelled in anger to the man with a mop of black hair.

"You were about to call the cops!" He said.

"Brendon?" I asked in disbelief. He turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey sis, it's been a while." He said. He looked a little like Brendon, but it had been 10 years and he was an adult now. I felt my knees go weak as my vision got cloudy and I collapsed.


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