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Brandon's p.o.v.

"Wake up bro!" Zion says shaking me. I open my eyes and get out of bed. "C'mon today's gonna be a lit day." He says leaving my room. I go take a shower and put on some clothes (duh). It would be weird if I took a shower but went around butt naked in public.

The guys and I head into the car but have no idea where we're going. "So where are we going?" I ask JD our manager and also the one driving. "Where ever you want." He says. "I think I have and idea." I say with a smile.

"Go left and stop at 252." I say to JD." Brandon what is this?" Nick asked. "Just wait here." I say unbuckling my seat belt and getting out the car. I walk up to the door and knock on it. A few seconds later a guy with long blonde hair on one side of his head and blue eyes opened the door. "Sup?" He asked. "Hi I'm Brandon and I was wondering if Giselle was here, we met yesterday and i was thinking if I could barrow her for a couple of hours." I say. The guy looks me up and down and then looks at the van the boys were in. "Giselle!" He yells. A few seconds later a girl with french braids, blue eyes, puckery lips, black leggings and a gray hoodie crop top comes to the door. "Brandon?" She asked. "What are you doing here?" She asked. I looked at her brother and he shock his head yes in approval. "Don't ask questions just go with it." I say tugging her hand. "Brandon what are you doing?" She asked. "Ah ah I aid don't ask questions." I say to her. "Bye take care of her!" The guy yells. "Will do!" I yell back.

Giselle gets in the car and I put her seat belt on because she was shocked and she wasn't moving. "Giselle this is Nick, Zion, Austin and Edwin." I introduce her. She waves back nervously. "Hi." She says. "Ok so Giselle, you're probably wondering why I just randomly scathed you up out of your house and put you in the PRETTYMUCH van." I say. She shakes her head in agreement. "Uh yea we're wondering that too." Austin say. "Right so, Giselle and I ran into each other yesterday and we kinda got off on the wrong hand and I just wanted to apologize I her by having her spend the day with us." I say cheerfully. They look at me with plain faces. "Sounds good to me." Nick says going back on his phone. "Yea I'm good with that." Austin says. "Anybody against this?" Edwin asked. No one raised their hand. "Ok I guess we're good then." Edwin says. I look at Giselle with pleading eyes. "Uh...yea I-I guess." She says. "Good!" I cheer. "Oh yea by the way that's our manager and driver JD." I say. "Hey Giselle!" JD says. "Hey JD." Giselle laughs.

I think this might go well.

"So what do you guys..like do?" Giselle asked. "Oh we're a band called PRETTYMUCH. We sing we dance we perform and all that jazz." Zion says answering her question. "Nice." She says. "Yea I guess you could say we're Gucci with the gang." Austin says. "Ahh no nope I don't think you're that yet." Giselle says in a high pitch voice. The guys laugh and Austin frowns.

"So where should we go?" JD asks. "Toys R Us!" Giselle yells. Everyone looks at her confused. "Ok." Nick says surprised. "Well Toys R Us it is." JD laughs. "Yay." Giselle cheers.

We arrived at Toys R Us and Giselle was so excited it was adorable. I mean I have to admit it. "Oh my gosh an anime blanket I need it!" Giselle yells running to the blanket. "See losing a child already." Zion says. I laugh and go follow Giselle. "I'll buy it for you." I tell her. She looks at me shocked. "Can you please!" She jumps up and down. "Yea sure here let me see it." She hands me the blanket and I walk to the checkout. Giselle wasn't behind me because she was already eyeing something else. "And who is this for?" The cashier asked laughing. "The girl over there playing with the bump truck." I laugh. "Wow well then you're a very nice boyfriend for buying her this." She says. I look at her for a couple seconds. "Thank you." I smile. "Would you like it in the bag or no?" She asked. "Uh I'll just take it." I say. She hands me the blanket and I walk over to Giselle. "Yay you bought screw yesterday Brandon you are literally the best!" She says giving me a hug. "You're welcome Giselle." I say hugging her back. "Aww group hug." Austin says. The rest of the guys all huddle in. "Ok I hate to break this up but I'm literally seeing Barney everywhere." Giselle says out of breath. "Sorry." The guys laugh.

"Guys we should film a cover here!" Edwin says. "Yo he's right we could do a mash up." Zion says. "Let's do it." Nick says. "Ohh I wanna see this!" Giselle says.

While we were singing we danced around and messed up the toys in the store. These guy are my favorite. "You guys that was amazing!" Giselle says. "Why Thank you." Zion says.  "Now stop playing around and get in the car." Zion says sitting on top of  my lap. "Nope I'm good Edwin you can go." Giselle says. Edwin was about to get on but he didn't. Austin screamed and Zion hurt his arm which had me dying.  I hope Giselle is starting to like us cause I'm kinda starting to like her. In a friendly way.

In the car Zion and Giselle were arguing over weather if 'then' is past or present tense. "No it's past tense." Zion says. "No its presence tense." Giselle says. "Does it matter what tense it is?" Nick asked. "Yes!" Giselle and Zion yelled at the same time.

Where to now? I look around at everyone in the car and they're doing nothing. "Guys!" I blurt out. They all jump and look at me c frightened and weird. "Talk to each other." I say. They look at each other and back to me. "I have a better idea, how about we just go to the movies." Zion says. "Ok." The guys and Giselle respond.

JD drives us to a big movie theater with movie ads all over the place. "So what movie are we watching?" Giselle asked. She looked at Zion and Zion did the 'oh man I didn't think this through' face. At least she laughed. "How about we see Kubo and the two strings?" Austin suggests. We all agree on that and pay for our movie tickets. We walk into the theater and take our seats. A few minutes past and everyone is settled in their seats. The lights dim down and the movie begins.

L.A. Love// Brandon Arreaga Where stories live. Discover now