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Giselle's p.o.v.

While we were about thirty minutes into the movie the popcorn was gone. "I'm going to go get some more popcorn." I tell Edwin. I was sitting next to Edwin and Zion. Austin was sitting next to Zion and Brandon was sitting next to Austin. I got up and left the room ducking down so I didn't walk in front of people's view.

I was walking down the hall when some guy in a black jacket bumped into me. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I looked at him in shock and he took off the hat he had on. "Landon?" I asked. He looked at me and squeezed my wrist tighter. I winced in pain and Landon looked me up in down furiously. He let go of my wrist when Brandon walked out of the theater room. He looked at me one more time. "This is your fault." He said before he walked off. "Who was that?" Brandon asked coming up to me. "I-I- I don't know." I lied.

Brandon's p.o.v.

I was so into the movie that I didn't even know Giselle left. "Hey where'd Giselle go?" I asked Austin. "Uh I think she went to go get some more popcorn." He responded. "Oh I should go help her." I say getting up.

I was walking out of the theater when I say Some guy say something to Giselle. Then he walked away. "Who was that?" I asked her. She turns around and looks at me. "I-I- I don't know." She says stuttering. She turns around and walks to the front of the theater. I follow behind her.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm helping." I reply. "Um not much." She says putting a cup on her drink. "Huh, oh." I say I say grabbing the popcorn from her full hands. "I thought you were just getting popcorn?" I question. "I was but I had some other orders too." She says. I laugh and walk down the hallway with her. We enter our theater room and I hold the door open for Giselle. "Thank you." She smiles. I look at her and smile too. We take our seats and Giselle hands the boys what they wanted.

We were all watching the movie when there was a sudden Loud bang noise. Everyone in the movie theater started to panic and run all over the place. "Guys What was that?" Giselle asked. Then there were two more bang noises. The six of us stood up and looked around. "Guys, Edwin says , we need two leave."  We squired out of the movie room and saw a lot of people screaming and on the floor. 13 guys with creepy white mask and guns come out of nowhere. They chased people around and sat them down tying them up. The six of us just stood there and didn't move. All the people in the theater were sitting down tied up on the grown except us. The guy with the biggest gun who I think is the leader turns around to us. "Hey!" He yells.  "You, come here!" He says to Giselle. A few of his guys come over to us and tie me and the guys up and sit us against a wall. One of his other guys grab Giselle by the arm bring her to the leader. "Sit down!" He yells at Giselle. A guy sits her on the ground and ties her up with a rope. She looks at us and then looks at something else. She was looking at a little kid hiding in a corner with his baby sister. Giselle looks around and then looks back at the little boy he was about seven or eight. 'Run' She mouths to him. The little boy looks at her with fear and tears in his eyes. I nudge Zion by the shoulder and point to Giselle with my eyes. Zion looks at Giselle and then the little boy. Zion's eyes widen. He looks at me with concern and fear.

Giselle couldn't do anything because she was tied up and a guy with a Gun was standing right next to her. She had this look in her eyes. I didn't know what it meant. But I had a feeling it was an idea she could get in some serious trouble with. I looked at her with an eyebrow  raised and she looked at me with the 'I have to do something look'. I shook my head no at her but she didn't listen. I saw a lady with her head bleeding. She had her phone out and was about to call 911. Giselle noticed her and shook her head rapidly for her not to do it. The lady was scared her hand was shaking and she could barely even blink she needed help. The guy with the gun noticed and started walking over to them. Something's going to happen I need to do something. I had to create a distraction. I tried to move around but I couldn't and my hand got cut on something. My hand started to bleed. Whatever cut me wasn't strong enough to cut the rope. I looked at Giselle and she was trying to get up. She couldn't get up. It was kinda funny.

All of a sudden sirens yelled and the room became red and blue. The cops came swarming in with there guns and shields up. There were only six cops and thirteen bad guys. Bullets started flying around and people started screaming again. A cop with a bloody fist untied me and helped me untie the guys. After the cop unties us he runs off to help other people. I look around for Giselle and still see her on the ground. I turn around and see the guys helping other people so I go help Giselle. I walk over to her and try and untie her rope. "It's too tight I can't get." I say frustrated. "Brandon calm down it's not that hard." She says. I play around with the rope and finally untie it. "Ok we have to get out of here." I say to Giselle. She gets up and starts walking in the opposite way I was telling her. "Gi what are you doing?" I ask her. She starts walking over to the boy and his baby sister. I follow after her making sure no one was watching us. The little boy had his hands over his ears and his baby sister was crying. Giselle sits down neat to the little boy and takes his hands off his ears. The little boy starts looking around and starts to panic. "Hey our ok you're ok." Giselle says. "Mommy." He tried to say but he couldn't get his words out. "He's autistic we need to find his parents." Giselle tells me. The little boy starts screaming everywhere and Giselle tries to clam him down. It gets everyone's attention.

A guy with his gun walks over to us while the cops tell him to freeze and put the gun down. He looks back at the cops and grabs Giselle by her shirt. He wraps his arm around her neck and puts his gun to her head with his finger on the trigger. "Take on more step and I'll kill her!" He demands. "Sir release the girl or else this bullet will fly right through your head." A cop says. Giselle looks at the little boy and he was now screaming with his hands over his ears. "Shut him up!" The guy in the white Mask yells. One of his men yank the kid up and scream at him. "Stop you're scaring him!" I yell. I push the guy over and he drops his gun. I take out the bullets and throw it to China. Just kidding. I walk over to the little boy and hold his baby sister in my arms. "Mommy." He tries to say to me. "Yes ok we're gonna get you Mommy I promise." I say. Zion, Austin Nick and Edwin all come over. They look at what's happening and freeze. "Aye man let her go!" Nick yells. Giselle struggles to get out of his grip but he doesn't budge. I get up and hand a police officer the baby. I start to grit my teeth and clinch my fist. "Easy." Austin says to me. The guy holding Giselle looks around and pushes her away. She falls into my arms and she takes a deep breath. The guy puts his gun down and gets on his knees with his hands up. "Surrender." He says. His guys drop their guns and surrender. The cops look at each other confused and put hand cuffs on the bad guys.

"Mason!" A lady yells. It was the same lady that was going to call the cops. She ran over to the little boy and his little sister. She takes the baby from the police officer. She gives the boy a big hug and holds the baby in her arms. I see Giselle smile a wide smile and wave to the little boy. The little boy looks down at his hand and waves back with a smile.

"May I remind you I'm never going to the movie theaters again." Giselle says. "Dido." Austin says. "C'mon guys let's get out of here." I say. "Yea." Zion says.

JD comes and picks us up and we all pile into the car. Edwin was in the front. Giselle and I were in the middle row and Nick, Austin and Zion were in the back. It was now about 9:00 and we had just drove off. "Hey JD can we cruise around for a while?" Giselle asked. "Sure anything for you Giselle!" He says. "Aye you ma dawg!" She jokes. The guys laugh. "Wait!" Giselle shouts. "What?" Edwin asked confused. "My anime blanket." She says. "Oh sorry I had it it's just really comfortable and it has anime on it." Austin laughs. "Gimme my blanket boy." She says. She snatches the blanket from Austin and gives him a look. He puts his hands up and Giselle smiles.

We were driving for about five minutes when I felt something heavy on my lap. I look down and saw Giselle laying her head on my lap. She had her eyes closed and her hand was resting on my leg. Her braids were lose so I undid one of them and I started to play with her hair. I brushed through and tried to braid it but it didn't turn out right. "I ship it." Edwin whispers. I look up at him and smile.

Giselle her name flows perfectly with her. She has a princess name it's beautiful. Almost as beautiful as her. I admired her beauty one more time before I looked out the window and drifted off to sleep.

L.A. Love// Brandon Arreaga Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt