C|04: The Future Awaits

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Z O E 'S P O V

I laid on Blake's bed watching Grey's Anatomy.

"I'm going to take a shower." He said with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Yeah, ok." I said distracted.

"Unless you want to join me? We can help the planet by conserving water." He said smiling. I laughed.

"Not now." I said.

"You okay?" He asked getting closer.

"Yeah, it's just, I don't believe it. We live together and we're going to the University of California soon. It's happening all at once." I said.

"Are you regretting this?" He asked, his face going blank.

"Of course not Blake." I said. And I really wasn't, I've always wanted this. Having him by my side every morning when I wake up, and just feel his presence laying beside me when we sleep.

"Good, I've wanted this for a really long time." he said. "I love you. You know that right?" he added.

"I love you too." I giggled. "Now go and take a bath, you stink." I joked.

"Oh you know you love it when I'm all sweaty, it makes me look hotter." he said attempting to hug me.

"You're so gross!" I screamed as I pushed him away.

"So what?" he screamed back. I laughed.

"I love you!" I screamed as I laughed uncontrollably as he started tickling me.

"Stop Blake! Stop!" I laughed.

"I love you." he said. "Even though I can't say no to you and end up doing whatever you want at the end of the day." he said. I laughed and he leaned in to kiss me.

"Go and take a bath, I'm not going to pause the episode because of you so hurry up." I pouted.

"I'll be right back." he winked.

I continued watching Grey's Anatomy and as the episode ended Blake came into the room still wet and with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I'm sorry, I forgot my boxers." he said smiling.

"Sure you did." I said laughing. He shrugged.

He left and a few minutes later he came back only wearing his boxers. He laid by my side on the bed and covered us with the comforter and the sheets. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I turned around to face him.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

"Not much. Just thinking. About the future, my future career, our future..." I said.

"And that's not much?" he chuckled. I smiled shyly.

"Baby what's wrong? Let me see your beautiful smile. You're worrying me." he said, his hands softly going through my hair. "Talk to me." he added.

"I think I'm pregnant." I said.

"Really?" He asked smiling.

"I'm joking! I'm sorry, I had to." I laughed.

"It's not funny." he said serious.

"I'm sorry." I said. " I wanted to see how you would react." I added.

"I wouldn't be happier having a baby that has both our DNAs." he said.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yes Zoe. You're the woman that I love with my life. I would do anything for you, even for one of your smiles. I imagine a future with you by my side. You're a plastic and trauma surgen, I'm a neurosurgeon, we live in a huge house with 2 kids like we've always wanted." he said. I was crying at this point.

"I love you, Zoe Daniela Gonzalez." he said.

"I know we'll get there, have a family and have the life we've always wished for." I said smiling widely. "I love you too, Blake Charleston Henderson." I said.

"Hey, don't push it with the name." he said causing me to laugh. He hates his middle name.

"What? I love it." I said. And I really do. "What if we call our future son, Charles? I love it." I said.

"It's not bad. I like it." He said.

"I know. Just don't tell dad we talked about this, he would FREAK." I said laughing.

"Yeah, he would. You would be a widow without even being my wife. Not a good way to start our future life." he laughed.

"I swear Mom has a sixth sense or something." I said.

"Sixth sense?" he chuckled.

"Yeah. The day after we got here, when I called her, she asked me if we used protection and I didn't even tell her we had sex." I said. He laughed.

"She's a psychic." he said laughing. "It's the only explanation." he added. I laughed.

"Defenetly." I smiled.

"We should rest, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." he said.

"Really? What are going to do tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just wear a swimsuit. I'll handle the rest." he said.

"We're going surfing aren't we?" I asked smiling widely.

"Yes baby, we are." he smiled widely. He knows how much I love to surf. Things like these are the things that make me fall for him even more every day.

§ Word Count: 910 §

- A/N: hello my readers!! Thank you for reading the story. It really means a lot to me. Today I saw Love At First Camp's statistics and saw that it is being read in places all over the world like the Philippines, India, Brazil, and Alaska which is totally insane! You guys have no idea how happy I am right now!! Thank you guys for reading and voting for the first book, I hope that the second one goes as good as the first one! Please vote & recommend if you're liking the story so far! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow!✨ Your girl, Ellie💕


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