C|07: Guess I Was Wrong

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Z O E ' S P O V

My head was killing me from crying so much. I laid on my bed as tears wet my pillows. I hear the door open followed by footsteps.


"Go away." I say without bothering to look up.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll never leave you." He says. "Come on baby, let's talk about this." He adds.

I sit up, facing a very worried and disappointed Nate. As he looks back at me with his hand resting on my knee with nothing but silence between us.

"Tell me, does he know?" He asks running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"He saw when you kissed me in that bbq your parents hosted at your house. That's why never showed up. He left when he saw us." I sigh as I remember Blake's face when he confronted me about the kiss.

"Damn it." Nate says as he starts pacing around the room. "He's hated me all this time but he just hid it."

"Just calm down!" I raise my voice.

"And did you tell him about-- " he starts but I cut him off.

"No, of course not. He would never forgive me... Or you." I say crying.

"I would have been dead by now." Nate says as he sits beside me.

"It happened almost two years ago Nate, we need to try and forget it ever happened." I say.

"Damn it Zoe! It was a mistake but you know we couldn't control ourselves." He pauses and takes a deep breath.

"I love you, always have and always will. You knew when you knocked on my door that night and when you asked me to make you mine. For you, it might have been just sex but for me, it was much more than that." Nate confesses.

"And you thought I was okay? After that night, I changed. Our friendship changed. I lost my best friend and my dignity in a blink of an eye. I cheated on my boyfriend... With his best friend. What kind of person does that? Huh?" I raise my voice.

"A person who's been through a lot. A person whose boyfriend cheated on her. He cheated on you Zoe, drunk or sober, it's still cheating. You caught him in the act and you made Kiana drive you to my house knowing you were too unstable to do so yourself. She never imagined your real intentions and that's why you've always resented her even though you deny it." He says, cupping my face.

"That's no excuse Nate. I should have been the bigger person. You know what's the worst thing of all of this?" I said looking down, tears rolling down my face.

"What is?" He asks, still holding my face softly.

"I stopped loving you as a brother the moment you kissed me for the first time." I said. "I love you and I thought that time and distance would change that, but I guess I was wrong." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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