...The Warning Signs you must look out for...

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Have you ever said to a friend after you and a boyfriend broke up, "I had a feeling something was going on" or "I knew he liked her." Well that feeling is called a gut feeling. These feelings aren't paranoia. Paranoia is in the mind. A gut feeling about something is more real and usually right. After you broke up, you probably thought, "If I only knew, I could have put a stop to it." Well I'm going to give you all the tell tail signs that have been under your nose, but you never pick up on. You'll kick yourself when you realize what they are and how easy they are to spot. Just remember, women are more superior to men. We are more in touch with nature, and have a six sense.

Check for these warning signs:

i. New interests.
ii. Better grooming.
iii. Behavioural changes.
iv. Female friends in every second sentence.
v. Horny or no Libido.

i. New Interests:

Has he been dragging you along to boring art shows? Suddenly interested in interior decorating? Decided to take up surfing? If so, watch out. Something's not quite right. Go with him to all these places. If he introduces you to another woman, be wary. The Seductress.  She may be after your man, if she hasn't caught him already. Keep a close eye on her, and stay close to him at all times. Don't let her get in-between you at any stage. You must, go with him to these new interests. But by all means, do not approach this other woman. He may only have a crush on her, and she doesn't know it. She may not even be interested in him for anything other than friendship. Just keep your eyes and your ears open.
When he starts caring about things he's never cared for before, ask him just in passing what has sparked this new interest. Tell him you think it's great that he's widening his horizons, and opening his mind to new things. Seem interested. Obviously this other woman has sparked something, so you must seem just as interesting as she is.  Or at least try.

ii. Better Grooming:

He's joined the local gym. He shaves every morning. He's gone out shopping and bought a new wardrobe.  He's suddenly wearing aftershave. He's become obsessed with his appearance. This is an obvious one. Maybe he's told you the boss has told him to make himself look better if he wants that raise or promotion. But I bet it's got something to do with the new girl at work. All the guys are probably doing the same thing. Keep your ears open to conversation between him and his work mates. Be sure some new name will be mentioned. If he is doing this, don't allow him to think he's getting to good for you. Go to the gym with him, buy a new wardrobe. Refer to:
Don't let him think he's too good for you and needs someone who is better. He's not.

iii. Behavioural changes:

If he's suddenly cleaned up his room which has been messy for as long as you can remember. Something's wrong. Maybe he's suddenly decided to clean the house, or do the washing. Something he's never done before. Usually when you ask them why they are doing this, you will get an overly defensive response. When this happens, back off. This often turns into an argument, opening the Danger Zone. If he's willing to clean the house and do the dishes, let him. It most likely won't happen again, so reap the benefits of not having to do it yourself.

iv. Female friend in every second sentence:

If all of a sudden, Chrissy said this, and Chrissy said that. Worry. Chrissy has gotten into his head and is rearranging everything. She probably tells him he's funny, and smart and his hair would like so sexy if he wore it like this. He would look really great wearing these types of jeans. And her favourite aftershave is Jazz, to which she cannot resist a man wearing it. Soon she will have him going to the library with her on a Saturday when he usually goes to the football with the guys. One way to squash dear Chrissy is ask him to invite her over for lunch. Then you invite the best looking single male you know, and play the happy couple in front of her. She'll soon learn hands off, he's taken. At least you hope she does. If she is the Seductress from Hell, she'll take it as a challenge, a competition. Then the fight is on. Remember you have the upper hand. He is already yours. Be careful, these women are dangerous.

v. Horny or no Libido:

A sure sign he's got someone else on his mind is if he says another name in bed or in his sleep. A good punch to the gut usually works. Just kidding.  I'm sure it's happened to everyone at some stage and if it hasn't, the  you.  He may want more sex than usual; if so give it to him. At least he won't be getting from anyone else. But if he just can't perform with you and has no interest, start questioning him. Ask him straight out if he is having an affair. His reaction will give you the answer straight away. It may hurt to find out he's been sleeping with someone else. But it's better to know what he's like now, instead of finding out what he's like before the wedding.

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