...The other woman...

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Most of the time you know the other woman. She could be an acquaintance your man banged into at a nightclub, to being your best friend. Majority of the time you will know her. Here is what's going on behind closed doors. Cause that's as far as it will ever get.
Most of you are probably thinking, why would he want another woman, he has me? Well. You may not have noticed, but no matter how much you try, you have become his nagging mother. The reason he probably moved out for in the first place. But the other woman is different. There are no strings attached, he can have fun with her, and most of all he is probably making fun of you.

Here are some points why he has the other woman:

1. He can talk to her about his deepest darkest desires. She is most likely very open minded, she'll try anything once, and if she likes it even twice. She does things to him that you won't do. He'll do things with her he's never done with you. And she will listen to everything he has to say and she will satisfy his every desire and whim.

2. His mates know about her and love her, they think she's great fun, unlike you. You stop him from going places with them. Whenever you hang around, you are always nagging him about how much he drinks when he's with them, and his bad boyish behaviour. You might even put him down in front of his mates, without realizing it. But when she's with them, she drinks just as much. She doesn't get offended with the conversation, she even joins in. She's just like one of the guys, but easier on the eyes.

3. He can relax with her. She'll probably tell him that the beer gut you've been trying to get him to join the gym about looks cute. She has more of him to play with. So he can be himself around her. She'll tell him he's fantastic, and wonderful.

4. She's only there when he wants her, then she disappears.
He calls her when he wants her, and she is always ready for him. She never says no! If she rings, she always knows if you are there. They usually have a secret type of code. For instance;
If it is late at night, say 12.30am, the conversation might go something like this:

Him: "Hey mate, what have you been doing?"
Her: "Your girlfriends there?"
Him: "Yeah. So, what's on your mind?"
Her: "Well, I want you in the worst way possible?"
Him: "Yeah, me too. I was about to go to bed."
Her: "Can you get rid of her?"
Him: "No problems. I'll pick you up. If your car has broken down, what else are you going to do?"
Her: "Great, how long?"
Him: "Give me about thirty minutes to get there, okay."

Then the conversation will end. Have you had that happen before?
He will then use some lame excuse why you must go home, because he has to go pick up his mate from somewhere far away, and by the time he gets him, he'll be too tired to do anything. You go home, he goes and has a shower and thirty minutes later, she is in his bed.

So... Who is she???

Good question. She could be anyone from your best friend to your sister. Fortunately, most relatives and best friends have a conscience, and could not do this to someone they know. But there are always those who really don't care and will go after what they want. These women don't care who they hurt, as long as no one gets in their way.
The biggest risk is from the women who don't know you that well.
For instance; the secretary, the new girl in the office, or the woman over the road. Even his mate's female friends.
Unfortunately, it is very hard to stop these women, as you are not always there. That's when it is left up to him to make the right decision. If you are lucky, he will.
Then there's your friend who has to have everything you have. She will do anything to get her hands on your man, simply because he's "Your Man". She'll wear revealing see through clothing, low cut tops, tight pants, and short skirts. Then she'll bend over in front of him, lean forward and anything else she can think of to make your man look at her. With friends like this, who needs enemies!!!   Get rid of this so-called "friend". She is no friend; she's actually your worse enemy and your biggest competition.

What does he tell her to keep her around?

Well what would keep you around? In the beginning she hears, "we're having a rough patch, we don't even talk anymore. It's pretty much over."  Then one day when she's over there, you ring. He tells her, you had a death in the family and you need him now. The fact is, she is the other woman. He has no intention of breaking up with you.
If you were wondering if she has a chance of really having him, the answer is NO. She is a fling, just a plaything to him. Most of the time, she will mean nothing at all to him. Besides, what woman would really want a real relationship with a man she knowingly is having an affair with. Only a stupid woman with no morals. If she really thinks that when he is with her he won't cheat, then she is very much mistaken. Once a cheat, always a cheat.
You may be wondering if he has feelings for her. Sex is a very intimate act, so there must be some sort of feelings for her. If the affair lasts for more than six months, then yes, there are feelings there. He may even start hinting that he wants more and she may not. But most will feel they have a good thing going and don't want to ruin it with a relationship. At the moment they have sex on call, no nagging; only compliments, and they are getting an ego boost. She is probably so open minded, he may include his friends. A threesome ever now and then. Also, he can prove to his mates that the woman he has been having sex with for the past few months is real, not a fantasy.  He wants his friends to swoon at this woman, have a go with her once so they can experience what he gets all the time. Make then jealous. It's just a big ego trip for him. "Look what I have. Isn't she great." He just wants his mates to tell him he's great, lucky, and wish they had someone like her on the side. She's just like a sports car to him. An accessory. That's all.

But he would NEVER do this with you. He has too much respect for you to share you with his mates like an accessory.

You may also be wondering if he is also cheating on the other woman as well as you. After about three months or more, most likely. If he gets sick of you, then he'll also get sick of her, and even though he may keep her around, he will sleep with other women. One night stands.

Late night/ early morning calls

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...Late night/ early morning calls...

Has he ever had one of those strange phone calls or text messages at a strange hour of the night or morning?
Did he act strange?
Did he suddenly tell you he was tired and wanted to sleep, quickly pushing you out the door?
That's because that strange call was from her. She was telling him she was coming over and wanted him. I can pretty much guarantee during the affair, he's never said no to her. If he did, she made him pay for it by not being available for him when he wanted her. He learnt never to say no to her again. But he has told you he's too tired, or started an argument with you where you walked out on him crying.
Think back?
During this phone call, did he say anything about ten minutes? Or thirty minutes?
Don't worry, I'll handle it?
Well they were making plans right under your nose. Doesn't it make you sick?

Now the question is, do you really want to know if he is cheating? If the answer is yes, then read on. If it is no, then go straight to the conclusion.

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