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'Tan-tan' a little voice mumbled in my ear causing a groan out of me but that didn't stop the voice. 'Tan-tan wake up' the person said with little hands tapping me. Little voice, little hands ...

Slowly opening my eyes, I was meet with greens eyes just like mine but more sparkly - full of life. 'Heyyy Renny,' I mumbled pulling her closer 'What do you want ??'

'Huuuumm, I'm hungry and mom is asleep, can you give m-me something to eat please ??'

'Of course Renny, lemme slip off my dress and we'll go in the kitchen and see what we can dig out, yeah ??' I said throwing her in the air then placing her on the bed while I unzip my dress.

 'Yeahhh Tan' 

Throwing the dress on top of my bed and getting myself in tracksuits and a belly top that showed off my peircing, I took her hand and together we went downstairs.

'So what'da ya want ??' I asked opening the drawers one by one, then the fridge and freezer

'I don't like nothing here' she cried and honestly this what I hate about my life. I hate seeing her like this, unhappy and then there's mum.

'Ya know what, why don't we just order pizza with fizzy drinks. We can eat it upstairs with mum and you miss, get to stay up past your bedtime' I said messing up her hair at the end of my sentence.

'Yaaaaayyyyyyy, piz-pizza with mama' She jumped and danced on the dinning table


'Pizza's here Renne, switch off the tv and let's go to mum's room' I shouted from the kitchen

'Kay-Kay' She replied and a few seconds later the noise coming from the television stopped. The sound of her little feet hitting the floor followed her till she was right behind me. 'Here take the drinks and careful not to drop down the stairs'

'Okayyy' Taking the Tango bottle from me, she headed towards the stairs. 'We're having pizza, we're having pizza' She sang which caused me to chuckle

Carrying the three boxes of pizza to the room, I woke mum up, 'We're having dinner here with you since you're too tired to come downstairs' I smiled

'Aweee!! that's nice of my girls' She returned the smile sitting up

'Yeahhh ma lo-look we're having pi-p-pizza' Renee stated sitting inbetween her legs

Taking out the three plates I brought ( so crumps don't get on the floor, we don't clean this room often ) I handed everyone three slice each.

After finishing two boxes and a half, I can say we all full.

'Thank you girls fo-' She couldn't finish cause she started coughing 

'Mama bless you' Renny turn to give mum a kiss on the cheek

'Ren, you only say "bless you" when someone sneeze' I laughed but that soon disappered 'cause mum's cough didn't stop and soon she started coughing blood.

Getting up, I went to get the bowl I always take when this happens, 'Mum's it's okay, just cough in here' Pushing the bowl towards here. 

'Tan-tan, is mum okay ??' She sniffed behind me, It was only now I realized she wasn't sitting with mum anymore.

'Yeahhh, she is, she's just...sick' I mumbled not looking in her eyes 'Why don't you go watch tv'

'But mom's sick' She cried, like really balling 

'Shh shh, I'll take care of mum if you go watch tv and promise to stop crying'

'Okayyy Tan-tan, I'll go start watching and I-I promise to stop crying' She said wiping her tears

Pushing her through the door I turn to mum only to see that her whole face was covered in blood, the bowl was full and some off the blood was soaking the bed.

'Tanya, Call.The.Ambulance' She said word by word

'But. I-I-No'


'I don't have enough money yet an-'

'Call the am-even if you don't have enough money give them what you have so far'

'I already owe them some money, they said I need to pay them back, they won't treat you ma.'

'Just-' She paused to cough, and trust me, she coughed the hell out.

'Ma?' She carried on coughing. 'Mum?' Walking up to her bed and shaking her but my response was the blood spilling like a waterfall from her mouth and nose also her breathing hitching. I cried. Running to my room, searched my bag until I got my phone.

'999 what's your service??' the woman of the phone asked

'Ambulance please at 72 Pecham-right se13, please hurry'

'Alright, we'll be here as quick as possible and what seem to be the problem??'

'My mum, she-she has lung cancer and she's bleeding like madd and her breathing's hitched'

'Alright we'll be there, bye'

Running back to mum's room, the area where her bed laid was now covered in blood and in 5minutes tops they were here.

'She's upstairs' I said running after them

Putting the oxygen tube thing around her nose they managed to get her in the van with the man saying to me, 'Meet us at your hospital'

'Okay thank you' Running back inside, I got Renne in her jacket and the nearest shoe while I put on my trainers and hoodie and we made our way to St.Thomas Hospital.

Life Of A Sex Addict Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora