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'Why are you glowing ??' Gary asked as he arranged the drinks

'I'm not "Glowing"' I snapped with a smile on my face

'Then why do you keep on smiling like a weirdo??' He laughed

'I am not a WEIDRO Gaz...I'm just really happy'

'And why is that may I add ??'

'No you may not add 'cus curiosity kills the cat..or some shxt like that'

'Well, someone's smart' Gaz muttered

'Get back to work boss.'

'Aye aye captain' He said saluting me 'See ya later babe' He added with a wink before leaving the bar to go see pole dancers

Well you should know the reason I'm happy is because it's been four months since Ed and I have been together and things are going great. It probaly confused you the last time I said this so I'll explain again. I like Ed yes. Love. No. But when it comes to sex and he tend to treat me like a machine and I can't stand that but of course because of our money deal how can I say no. I won't lie I do ask him for sex from time to time and he's up for it and give me the best rides of my life. What?? I'm not a sex addict for no reason. I'm just happy. Behind my sex freak is a nice gentle man. And things are just fine...From time to time.

'My shifts over boss!!' I shouted out to Gaz

'See you tomrrow then babe' He said jogging over to me and planting a kiss on my cheek


Locking the door to my house behind me, I dropped my at the bottom of the stairs and went to the kitchen to get me a snack. Enjoying the amout of junk food in my mouth, I was in heaven until I heard moaning and groaning What...The...Fxckkk ???

I made my way to the living room where the noise coming from there was Abbs full on making out with her boyfriend. 'EWWWWW GET A FXCKING ROOM WEIRDOSSSSS' I shouted chucking the available cushion pillow at them.

They immediatly pull away from each other looking at me in shock then all of a sudden bust out laughing.

'Your just jealous Ed isn't here to shove his tongue down your throat' Abbs said with a smirk on her face

'Yeah whatever' I muttered walking out to the kitchen back to my snacks

James was spending the night or more with Abbs and that was my cue to leave them alone so I took my bag and packed a few clothes just in case and headed to Ed's place.

Using the spare key he gave me, I unlocked the door and judgeing from the sound of the football match on TV, I'm guessing his home.

'Babe, you here??' I shouted

'Yes darling. C'mon in' He shouted back

Dropping my back and key I jogged to the living room and saw him laying there into the match his watching.

'Hey babe' He said pulling me to him and pecking my lips

'Am fin-ahhhne' I said moaning the last part as Ed was now massaging me in-between my legs now smirking 'Behave' I hissed but a smile on my face

'What brings my beautiful gurl here today ??' He asked then he added 'Apart from a piece of this' pointing to himself

'Why would I want a peice of yo-ahh-hmm' I moaned not helping myself before snapping out of it 'Quit that Ed. It's not everyday Sex with you.'

'But ya know you want to.'

'Go away. And leave me alone' I said trying to away from him

'Come back and suck my dick'

'Your disgusting. Let go' I yelled but kindda in a playful way trying to get off his grip but it only got tighter until I was sat back on him

'I'm sorry honey' He pouted

'Your always sorry. Sometimes I just don't get you. It's like all you want from me is sex. One minute your romantic and the cutest boyfriend ever then the next you're like this sex freak.' I shouted at him a little angry

'Is it that now you feel honey??' He asked with a straight face

'It's cleary how I feel if I'm shouting at you??' I shouted like it's the most obvious thing in the world

'I'm so-'

'That's all you ever say. You're sorry.' I said getting on my feet and walking towards the door until I felt a pair of arms around my waist turning me around until his lips meet mine. Why the fxck do I have to like him for? 

''I love you and I don't wanna lose. C'mon look at you, how the hell am I not meant to want you.'



'You have two months to spend with me without sex and sexual activites. If you fail to do so then we're over.' With that I sneaked out the door with a bang and went back to mine.


Things may seem repeated and boring for the last two chapters and am sorry for that but i need to get that done with to get the good parts coming and i promise you they will be good 

Thanxs for reading and until next time ... <333333

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