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'Hello, how may I help you' the receptionist asked

'Hi,' I said putting Renee down 'I'm here for Cecelia Williams, she was brought by an ambulance a few minutes ago.'

'Cecelia willia-yeah here, will you like to take a seat until the doctor comes to talk to you'

'Okay thank you.'

______________ 2 hours later ___

''Shushh Renee, not now, please not now. I gave you food, well their shitty food and a drink, please go to sleep.'

'I'm not tired' She mumbled sleepily though she was still fussing

'Ms.Tanya Williams?'

'Yes. Yes. I'm here'

'Will you like to come into my office??'

'Yeah sure Dr.Smith' Like I had a choice anyway

'I'm sorry to say that your mother's condition has gotten worse. We need about 10,000 pounds plus and that's only for her medication. The payment for the treatment itself is... let me tell you a whole lot more'

'I'm sorry but I don't have that much money. I only have a quater of the money for the medication.'

'Don't you have relatives to help?' He asked feeling concerned

'No, both my father and mother are an only child, my grandparents are died and I don't have contact of any other relatives'

'Oh we-'

'Will it be okay to still keep her here while I try and get enough money at least for the medications'

'Okay and how old are you?'

'I'm 17, I'll be 18 in a few months' I replied

'You know it would be illegal if I let your sister stay with you while your mother is in hospital' He said straching the back of his head

'What? No, NO! you can't take her away from me. Ever since my mother as been sick, I have been taking care of her and now my mother is permenatly in the hospital you wanna take her away from me?? Can you not wait four months? Please don't take her away. Please.'

'I'm sorry Tanya but there's nothing I can do. I will get in trobule if I don't do anything about it and I've already contact the social services...If It makes you feel better, I'll take her in my home for you till you turn 18. It's better than any other stranger.'

What he said was true but I still wouldn't be able to care for her 'Okay, thank you'

______ 30 minutes later ___

'Bye Renee' I waved at her

'Tan-tan wher-where am I going?' She asked in a terrified voice

'Your going on holiday for a few days okay, and I'll come on check on you whenever I can' I lied

'Okay Tan-tan see you later'

'See you later' I said as tears fell down my face

__________ The Next Day __________

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed, I looked in the mirror to see my hair all over the place and my eyes red from crying. Groaning I went to the shower then brushed and got dressed for the office. Yes I work in the office but it's not my ideal Job it's just for money.

I got dressed in my pencil skirt, white shirt with a black blazer, heels then I put my hair in a nice neat bun.

'Hey Tan, how was your night??' The receptionist Sam asked

'Ehhh, I've had better nights, see you later' I said as I got in the lift to my floor.

I said hi to everyone and headed towards the back where my desk was and started the paperwork. Incase I haven't said this is a solicitor office and I work in the customer service department. Mainly answering any questions the individual has about the business. Soon enough after a few hours of work, boredom strikes. Thank God lunch wasn't far away. Instead of going to the canteen, I went to the bosses office.

'Ma'am may I speak to you please?'

'I'm busy at the moment so make it quick' She snapped

'I need your help ma'am. My mother is in hospital and I wanted to ask you if you can pay me 4 months in advance for her medication and I promise I will work my ass for it. Please ma'am'

'So what your telling me is, you want me give you my own money to give to your helpless mother while you slay around laughing and giggling with the other staff. Ms...Williams did you know, your group out of the rest are slacking, you don't provide me with enough results at the end of the month and you're here pleading for me to give you money. I'm sorry but that's not possible.'

'Okay ma'am thank you.'

'Now get yourself back to work'

 Heading to the toilet, I dapped my face with water as I thought;

How am I gonna do this, where the hell am I gonna the from now??

 There's no way I can do this

I'm going to lose Reene 

I going to lose my mother

I have no one

Tears now spilling down my face, I wiped them away and took out my phone and text my best friend

Abby come mine tonight, it's an emergency - T

Okay, I'll be there will a bottle of wine and chocolate - A

You know me so well, thanxs xx - T

You're welcome babe xxx - A

Heading back to my table, I got back to works and in seconds the phone started ringing

'Hello, this is Janet's Solictors how may I help you ??'

_______ After Work ________

'I'm here girl, what's up??' Abbey asked as she walked in the kitchen behind me

'The sky' I laughed as she just glared at me 

'I'm being serious girl' Putting down the champagne and sitting me down

'As you know my mother is sick, and well we had dinner together two days ago and she started bleeding badly and we took her hospital and I need a lot of money, I only have a quarter of the amount for her medication and her actual treatment is a lot, I don't have' I said as I started crying yet again 'And they've taken Renee away from me because i'm not 18 yet, I asked my boss for 4 months salary in advaned and she said no, I have no idea what to do now' I cried

'Before you come with anything, you gotta stay out of this funk, as from tomorrow I'm moving in. You can't be in this big house by yourself' She mumbled waving her hand in the air

'Thanks honey, it means a lot' I said giving her a hug

'And right now you just gotta do something fun, to relax you and then you'll start thinking of money wise, okay ??'

You know what that means - SEX

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