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I tried getting out of bed but I only ended up falling back again. My vagina ached and hurt like hell. I tried again and winced at the while getting dressed.

Adding on the finishing touch to my make-up i got up and walked towards the door but my walk felt and probaly looked weird.

I got outside and called for a taxi.

           ___________ At Home ________

'Where have you-' Abbbey started once she saw my figure through the living room. 'Why you walking like you just got a ten pound dick shoved through you??'

'Um. Well something like that did happen' I said once i dropped my bag and took off my heels

'Oh my god !!' She laughed 'What happened ???' She asked inbetween laughs

I told her about my night with Ed and him having my number and thatt.

'Ouuuu, think he's gonna call you?'

'Ehhhh, even if he does, that's his problem not mine'

'Yeahhh you say that now then watch what happens later'

'Nothing's gonna happen 'cus I aint about that life' I said walking up the stairs to my room which caused Abbs to start laughing again.

'Why did you go clubbing without me anyway?? I'm hurt if you ask me?'

'Well my boss fired me and going out was the first thing that came to mind and you weren't back yet plus I don't wanna add my problem to your life'

'Awee babe, it's okay and what you gonna do now? Go job hunting?'

'I don't even know, God help me'

_______  Later that Day __________

In my recovery

I'm a soldier at war

I have broken down walls

I defined

I designed

My recovery

In the sunds of the sea

In the oceans of me

I defined

I designed

My recovery

My ringtone sang James Arthur Recovery. I checked the screen of my blackbery and it was an unknown number so I dropped the phone back down. Two mintes later the same lyrics sang but I didn't answer it. The third time it rang I picked it up about 5 seconds into the song 'Yes. may I help you ??'

'So what your tryna aviod me??'

'No, I just don't wanna know you??'

'But I want to know you' He laughed

'I don't give a fxckk'

'So you're a fiesty one, should've have guess after last night' now that got me silent

'What do you want?'

'I want take you out'

'No. I'm good thanxs'

'It wasn't a chioce. It was me telling you'

'Well someone certainly have confidence'

'Yeah I get that a lot'

'um I wonder why'

'I'll see you tomorrow'

'Yeah right-'

'She'll see you tomorrow 72 Peckham-right at 12 sharp' Abbs snashed the phone out my hands 

'Abbey !!!' I screamed

'Thanxs Abbey, saved me another ten years of arguing with her. See you tomorrow babe' With that he hung up

I dropped the phone on the bed and turned to her. 'What were you thinking??'

'You need to get out there and be happy??'

'You say that but see if am going to like that date.'

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