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I've been acting weird all week for the past four days. They feel it and I know it. Abbey has been suspecting something but I just wave it off or the typical cliche 'Work' excuse. I've been trying to hide what am feeling deep inside, mostly because of Reene and so far, I can say I'm doing a good job. She's excited about the Fair we're going with Gaz aka (in their definition) my boyfriend. And Gary...i've been avoiding him. I don't know why...but I have.

Today's friday. Aka the end of the week, party, full house in the club and more guys here for my lap dance.

Standing in front of the full length mirror at the end of the changing room, I saw my reflection and I felt like crying. All I wanted to do was just drop on the floor and cry my tears out.

I'm doing it for the good, I thought. It's not for me, it's not what I want but It's for mum and she will get better

Turning on my side I saw the red mark he left there. I look in the mirror and I am not someone who I wanna be. I'm not someone I want Renn to be seeing everyday.

'Show time' Chantell chimed as she came in getting her stuff and walking back out. Luckily she couldn't see the mark I hide as I pulled my undies up

'Sure babe' I said as I walked out model like, grabbing a pole and forcing a smile

It was time for the lap dance...let's just say, this is going to be a looooong night.

After a lot of erceted dicks, ass grabbing and boob sucking I meet with the guy that was friends with Ed

'Hey babe, nice to have you back on my dick' he whispered

'Yeah. Nice to see you too' I mumbled getting my work done.

Just as I was getting off him, like before he pulled me back making me roll my eyes but what he said was different 'Come here, I gotta talk to you' he pulling me in the less crowded area.

'What do you want ??' I asked uneasily

Instead of him replying he pushed me in a room where the devil himself was standing.

'Ahhh I see you've met my friend John,' he smiled 'So...how about a threesome??'

'I don't want nothing to do with you. I already told you we're done' I shouted as John just stood there listening

'You might be done with me but I'm not done with you. But you see all I want from you is a fxck.'

'You've already had a ''fuck''' 

'Ohh but it's not enough and I say the same for my friend other here'

I'm done. I AM just done fighting it. They can do what they want.

I laid on the bed emotionless staring at the ceiling as John was rubbing my boobs and nipple while putting his dick in my mouth trying to get a blowjob. And Ed just finish licking me out and now rubbing my clit. Normally this would cause a moan out of me but I just wanted it done and over with. The dick that would take me on a hard drive now cause me but three times the pain I would normally get.

My saviour walked into the room as I'm guessing the idiot forgot to lock the door but was oblivious to what was happening as he was talking to someone out side 'Yeah, Yeah fill the pints' he shouted, then added turning around 'Have you seen-'

He gasp as what was happening and I saw the look the in his eyes. I couldn't help the tears that were flowing down my face. 

'Tanya??' he finished

The boy were clearly did know who he was as they asked 'Wanna join us??'

'You just gotta pay her a couple of pound. She's a filthy cheap bitch' Ed finished

This...by the looks of it made Gaz angry as he attacked Ed and Punched John making blood spill out his face

'GET OUT OF MY CLUB AND DON'T EVER COME BACK' he shouted at John as he chucked his clothes at him

Grabbing Ed, he pinned him to the wall and said 'If I see you anywhere near her, me or my club I swear you will regret it for the rest of your life' he said in a clear angry tone and by Ed's face I can tell he's angry as fxck. Gary was taller than Ed and a lot more muscler so I can see how a fight between them would turn out.

Picking up his clothes he bolted for  the door leaving both me and Gaz in the room.

He slowly walked towards me and stroked the blood red mark Ed has left on my waist, 'What happened??' he asked now sitting at the edge of the bed

Instead of answering him I looked out the window and cried my eyes our out like I've been wanting to do for the past few days.

Walking up to the door, he locked it and tucked me into bed while I carried on crying my eyes out

He took a deep and said, 'Whatever you needed the money for...I'm helping for you with it. You're not getting on that pole again nor lap dancing for no other guy and they certainly aren't going to be sleep with you.'he said as he stroked my long blonde hair

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