5 | saturn

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It's currently 3:11 AM and I'm only up bc I slept for eight hours in the middle of the day, but here. Have a long chapter since I missed Valentine's Day and went MIA :)


"So when you said you wanted to paint me..."

Taz glanced up from setting up his paints at the big supply table, a creaky old thing coated to the max in acrylic and water stains. He'd discarded his jacket and backpack onto a vacant chair when we came in, now only in the underlying cerulean crewneck and dark jeans. The blue did wonders for his complexion.


I gestured aimlessly to the room's set up. There were no canvases or papers set up for this, no formless lumps of clay to be molded, nothing but us. And since he's not painting himself, that really just leaves me.


"Are you... I-is the paint going on me?"

Taz chuckled as he finally came over and sat on the stool opposite me. "Why, are you allergic?"

"Ha ha," I deadpanned.

"C'mon, lighten up. You'll just make things more awkward if you're tense." He dipped a thin brush into the swirl of crimson in the little dish then tested the color on a paper towel. Satisfied, his eyes turned to me. "Now, just sit still and... Dana, what's wrong?"

Damn, I hadn't meant to let it show.


His are so beautiful. So mesmerizing. Why did he paint mine when he's got those?

"You sure? You looked startled for a second there."

Such a simple hazel and still so unforgettable... It's crazy what long lashes and direct sunlight can do to an appearance. A minute ago I was completely fine, but now that our knees were brushing— Now that the sunlight coming through the big gothic windows lit him up like a flame, it was only natural for me to burn under the weight of his gaze.

"Danaaa." He waved the brush in my face.

It'd be a miracle if I ever recovered.

"If you don't blink in two seconds, I'll give you a mustache."

"Sorry." Was I really staring for that long? "Sorry, I was just caught off guard."

"By what, the paint?" His amusement couldn't be concealed.

"Your eyes," I found myself uttering.

All the humor washed out of his expression like a wave, smile falling and eyes remaining wide. Then he was still as ice. "Mine?"

"Yeah, they remind me of Saturn."

He actually blushed.

After a long awkward moment, his nostrils flared and he sat back some. Clearing his throat, he uttered, "That's some compliment." He got busy mixing colors, turning towards the table to do it when his ears continued to scorch.

I smirked. "Was that a thank you?"



An hour later, I was still seated and nervous. Taz had said he'd go easy on me and just do a test run, a little design on my hand or arm so I'd be able to wash it off if I changed my mind about all this. Truthfully, it wasn't the paint that was making me so anxious. It wasn't the tickle of bristles on my skin or the chill of fresh colors gliding over my goosebumps. It was the the hand behind them.

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