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I just stepped off my plane as I was now back in my hometown. It's been years since I have been here. I was actually excited to be here. I agreed figured I need the time to reconnect with my roots. I needed the downtime too. I made my way into Hollywood like I didn't expect. But without some consequences. I overworked myself and was hospitalized for exhaustion. My family begged that I take a break and for some odd reason, I felt like going back home to Kent would be helpful. My family had moved out to LA after I made it out there. It was nice having them there. But then, I had a reason to never go back to Kent and I didn't. It's been years since I have been here. I smiled as it felt good to be home. I did miss it. My dad stepped off as well as my mom. My dad put his hand on my shoulder. "Feels good to be back."

"That it does." I smiled at him.

Then my mom said, "How about we go to the cabin and relax."

I nodded. "Okay, mom."

We went over to the driver that was waiting for us. I told him where to go and he nodded. I got in and I sat with my parents as we headed to the cabin. I looked out the window as I did miss my hometown. My dad then pointed, "Hey, Seth. There is your old school."

I looked on to see the middle school I went to. I then told the driver, "Hey turn in here."

I don't know why but I felt I needed to go in. My dad asked, "What are we doing?"

"Oh, it will be fun, dad. It be nice to see the old school." I told him with a smile.

We pulled up and I got out. My parents followed and I walked up to the school. I looked at it as it seemed so small. I walked into the school and looked around the familiar halls. My dad walked up to me and smiled. "Seems strange, huh?"

"No kidding." I smiled.

Then I began to walk around. I walked down a familiar hall and walked to a classroom. I looked in. It was my old art room. I knocked on the door. A familiar face opened the door. It was the same teacher I had in middle school. He smiled, "Seth MacFarlane, this is a surprise visit."

"I was in town and decided to see the old school." I smiled at him.

He then ushered me and I walked in. The kids in the class stopped what they were doing and looked at us. Then Mr. Franklin said, happily, "Class, seems like we have a surprise visitor. This is one of my former student, Mr. Seth MacFarlane. Some of you might recognized his work as he created and drew and voiced Family Guy."

The class instantly began to whisper to each other as they were in awe that I was in the class room. I just smiled as I did enjoy it. Mr. Franklin asked me to speak to the class and I did. I gave them the usual put your mind into anything, you can make your dreams happen spill. Then the bell rang and all the students got up to go to their next class. I noticed one kid not moving. He was into whatever he was doing on a piece of paper. I have noticed the same kid not really paying any mind to me during the time I talked. I was drawn to him. I walked over to him as my parents were talking to Mr. Franklin. I walked over and looked to see him drawing. He was incredible good. I then said, "You are really good, kid."

He looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes and said, "Uh, thanks."

I smiled at him as I bent down next to him. "What's your name?"

He smiled at me. "Seth."

"Oh, how about that? My name is also Seth." I smiled back at him. I held my hand out. "It's nice to meet you, Seth."

He took it and said, "You too, Seth."

Then he looked at the clock and put his stuff together. "I have to get going. I will be late."

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