A Little Different

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I was so hurt when I left her house.  She said that she was trying to break it off with between them but couldn't.  Then to find out they were together, the night we slept together.  Yeah, that a punch in the gut.  I kinda felt cheap and used.  But I should be use to it, girls use me all the time.  But I have to say, that is the first time a girl used me for sex.  So, maybe wasn't that bad.  No, it's bad.  I was the other guy and I didn't want that.  I just wanted her and all of her.  I loved her.  But that all had to wait.  I went originally looking for her cause it bothered me what my son told me about how he was.  I was a loner, but not that much of a loner.  Not so much so I didn't have a since friend.  I had a few.  Cat was one of them.  But he didn't have a single friend.  I didn't understand it.  What I didn't understand more, he genuinely didn't seem to mind.  What kind of life is that.  I was always reading or drawing but I made time to socialize.  Every time I saw him, he was by himself, into his homework and books and his drawings.  He wasn't like a typical kid.  It worried me a bit.  I wanted to discuss it with Cat but then I walked into what I walked into.  After sometime and I calmed down, I decided we need to discuss this.  I called her.  After a couple rings, she picked up.  "God, Seth.  I didn't know if you would call me.  Look, I really am sorry for everything.  I know I messed up.  I should have told you that I was seeing Jake.  But you came back and I started to feel something for you.  I realized I could never love Jake like that, I knew I had to break it off, but it was hard to do.  But I have now.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me."

I then said, "Look, Cat, that isn't why I am calling."

"Then why?"  She seemed disappointed.

"Look, I was talking to our son and I began to notice some things.  And I talked to him about it and what he said just doesn't make since for a kid his age.  I was hoping you and I could meet up and discuss it."  I told her.

"Uh, yeah.  Where do you want to meet?"  She asked.

"You remember that cafe we use to go to?"  I asked.

She answered, "Yeah."

"There.  Can you do that?"  I asked.

She quickly answered, "Yeah, say an hour?"

"Yeah, that is good.  See you then."  I told her.

I hung up as I really hoped that my son was okay for the most part.


I got to the cafe and saw Cat already there.  I walked over and sat down.  "Thanks for doing this."  I told her.

"I, uh, ordered you a drink.  I hope you still like hot chocolate."  She said with a smile.

I smiled back.  "I do but a bit warm don't you think."

Her smile got bigger.  "When the hell did that ever bother you?  You use to tell me it was never too hot for hot chocolate."

I smiled at this as she was right.  I then said, "Thanks."

Then she asked, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

I looked at her and sighed.  "Look I am worried about Seth.  I noticed both times I went to his school that he doesn't have any friends.  When I asked him about it.  He genuinely didn't seem to mind that he didn't have friends.  He just told me that he was different and it was okay to be different.  But, Cat, it's not normal for a child to not have friends at his age.  This is the time when most kids are social.  But he isn't.  Shouldn't we be concerned."

She sat back in her seat and sighed.  She didn't seemed bothered by this.  Then she confirmed, "I have noticed that a long time ago, Seth.  When he was younger, I noticed he never played with other kids or never wanted to go outside really.  He isn't even into video games or tv.  He rather read, do his homework, or draw.  I began to worry too.  So, I took him to his doctor, his doctor referred him to a specialist where they have determined that Seth has Aspergers."

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