Time In LA

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I was back in LA for a few months now. I missed my lady and my son. I talked to them a lot since I left. Thank god for technology now. Before, when Cat and I dated in college, the most we got were phone calls that we had to pay long distance to talk to each other. But now there was so many ways to talk to them. I could even see them everyday, which I did. I webcamed with them daily cause I couldn't deal with not seeing them. My son was definitely warming up to me. He at times seemed excited to see me when I got on, which I knew was a big deal. I was always happy to talk to them. But I needed them with me. Now, I was at the airport waiting for them. I was anxious. I was so ready to see them. The plane landed and I was getting more anxious. I needed them in my arms. Finally the stairs was rolled up to the plane and the door open. A few minutes later, which seemed like an eternity, they emerged. I smiled, widely. I walked over to the plane as they walked down. As soon as Cat feet was on the ground, she rushed over to me and jumped in my arms. God, it felt so good to have her in my arm. I hugged her tightly as I moved my face into her neck. I took her in. Her scent surrounded me. We pulled back and we kissed deeply. I was happy. Then we pulled away and I looked over at my son who was standing next to me, seemingly happy. He was smiling. I let go of Cat and moved over to him. I hugged him and he returned the affection. This warmed my heart a bit. I then asked them, "You guys ready to see where you two will be staying the next couple weeks."

Seth looked up at me and nodded. I looked at my son and said, "Hey, I got a job for you while you are here."

"What is that?" He asked me.

"Well, I hope I get more visits from you like this and well, I was thinking, you should choose one of the guest room and we will go out and you can pick whatever you want to decorate it to make it yours." I told him with a smile.

"Really?" He asked, almost surprised.

"Yeah, it would only be fitting that you had your room with me as well." I told him.

"That is awesome." He said, almost happy.

I looked at Cat and she smiled as she was happy. I then said to her, "Come on, baby."

We moved to the car and they got in as I got in behind them. I told the driver to go ahead. I held unto Cat's hand as I watched my son look out the window, almost in awe of the place. After sometime, we pulled up to the house. We stepped out and Seth looked at it. "You live here?"

"Uh, yeah. I do." I told him.

"So, you being a cartoonist got you this?" He seemed shocked.

"Not necessarily. It was me starting off as a cartoonist and deciding I wanted to do my own show and make it really big in doing so." I told him.

"That makes more sense." He said.

I almost laughed and we walked inside. I let Seth quickly pick a room for him to settle into and I took Cat's stuff to my room. I walked back downstairs and I noticed her looking around. I walked up to her and asked, "It's a little much, huh?"

She looked at me and hitched an eyebrow. "You think? I mean you are one man who lives in this big place by himself."

"Yeah, well, I hope one day I fill it with the sounds of pitter patter of little feet." I smiled at her.

She turned to me and smiled. "Oh, yeah. That woman is in for a treat then. I have one of yours and know what it is like. You are talking about multiple kids, poor woman."

I frowned my eyebrow at her and moved to her. I moved my arms around her and pulled her, roughly to me. "Now you know damn well, there is only one woman I want to share that life with."

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