AkitaNorth: Well f*** O_O

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Ooh, yay Natsu-San! Now, what would you name your book? (And if you say something like 'The Like of Natsu Dragneel' or 'Fairy Tail' I will rip out your spine and shove it down your throat!)

Natsu: *gulps*

Happy: But Natsu didn't you already name it Fa-

Natsu: *covers Happy's mouth* Eheheh~

Happy: e_e;

((Why not some more of this crap?))

Fairy Tail    :::   Natsu Dragneel

Excerpt from Chapter One: Abandoned

My memory is crap.

But I can still remember the way it felt to be abandoned by Igneel, my dad. I woke up one morning and found that his sharp red scales were nowhere to be seen. I was not lying on his strong armour-like skin, and I most definitely was not being held in his razor claws as he taught me the secrets to Dragon Slaying magic.

My father went missing.

And I don't know how that happened.

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