AthenaWritesStories: Llllllllllllllike her?

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Happy- If you were given a magic power that can turn anything into a fish, what would you do?

Happy: I would turn everything into fish! And then - once I've eaten it all - I'd turn all the fish bones back into another fish!

Natsu: What about the rest of the world?

Happy: ✧_✧ What about the rest of the world?

Natsu: That's kinda creepy...

Happy: ✧_✧ I'll still have my fish...


Natsu- Do you llllllliike Lucy? If not you probably llllllllove her. I know you do.

Natsu: Why are you guys so obsessed with Lucy..? It's kinda creepin' me out...

Happy: Well if you'd just say you liked her nobody would need to ask anymore...

Natsu: Of course I like Lucy but is it really necessary for it to be in that way?!

Happy: Yes.

Natsu: *blushes* ... Look, it's just- It's starting to get on my nerves...

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