The introduction

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 2: The introduction


Everyone was silent when they saw Lydia, but when she looked at them and greeted them with her hand, next to a smile on her lips and in her eyes, the first to react were those of Hufflepuff giving her effusive and affectionate cries of welcome.

The members of the Nekoten school went to the castle guided by Professor Sprout in order to sit after the official presentation at the Hufflepuff table.

"Wow... now Lydia looks prettier," said Harry.

"What are you talking about, now she is freakier than ever, I wonder if she's also throwing hairballs for..."

"Don't call her that!" Neville shouted. He remembered how Lydia sacrificed her afternoons at Hogsmeade to keep him company after Professor McGonagall banned him from going to town last year.

Ron kept silent about the impression; Neville was not the kind of guy who screamed.

Upon entering the castle all the students sat at their tables and waited for the entrance of the invited schools.

The first school to present itself was Beauxbatons, its students dressed in tight blue suits and presented a rare entrance consisting of sighs aimed at the students of the tables. It goes without saying that the French girls were disappointed at the cold welcome of the boys as they only expected the cat girls to show up.

The second school was Durmstrang, with a more aggressive entrance that was better appreciated by local students. A flag bearer of the continental school raised a flame that resembled the figure of a phoenix to honor Dumbledore.

At last it was the turn of the Nekoten school and all its students entered a formation of two rows, however, together with them, entered the school multitude of cats of all colors, these passed between the legs of the students, but both felines and students were in a perfect and natural synchronicity that gave to think that this was not the result of a choreography previously planned.

The felines seemed to be of different magical types, since apart from the normal cats, there were cats that walked on their two back legs, cats that seemed to levitate next to the students, or that flew with the help of large wings, some were dressed and walked or also moved through the air.

Then a melody began that lit the hearts of those present and cherry petals began to fill the entire dining room, suddenly the image of Nekoten School was shown in the place, and it seemed that his students were leaving the main road to go to the teachers' table.

The show was great with the music, the cats (some of them singing a tune or playing fine instruments and dancing very tenderly with their paws), and the school's image flanked by the Tokyo Tower at dusk and Mount Fuji on the other side at dawn.

Then the student's teacher passed through the middle and when she reached where the teachers' table made a huge sun and moon rise from the palm of her hands that rose up to the roof of the school, the stars gathered a little bit and then became Hogwarts' shield with the four animals representative of the houses.

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