The battle of the crimson-eyed cat

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 10: The battle of the crimson-eyed cat

The champions landed face down on the hard ground (except Lydia who was a Cat Girl), apparently they were in a cemetery, and in the distance they could see an old mansion.

"Kill the others, but leave Potter, he is mine," commanded someone with a hard, cold voice.

Several avadas headed for the boys, but apparently crashed into a spherical barrier that became visible for a second reflecting a green color on its surface.

"No, impossible," said someone.

"RUN TO THAT HOUSE!" Lydia shouted and everyone obeyed. Several spells were directed at the boys, fortunately the attackers were taken by surprise and their aim left much to be desired, and Lydia also covered her friends. The champions came to the house and entered it displaying protective spells so that no one could enter. Harry recognized the interior of the house, it was the same one that appeared in his dreams, climbed up to the window and saw for his horror that a hundred of deatheaters surrounded the mansion, among them was Voldemort.

"Well, well, well, so the great Harry Potter hides behind his friends, I expected more of the boy who lived," said Voldemort.

All the champions were huddled with fear, Voldemort in itself was already a catastrophe, but with a hundred deatheaters supporting him... Only Lydia seemed impassive, when suddenly her eyes seemed to focus nothing.

"Professor Ayanami? We're in an old manor house next to a cemetery... what, to lend you my eyes?" said Lydia confused and went to the window scanning the whole outside with her eyes.

"What was that?" Hermione asked.

"Help will soon arrive, we must resist," she said, when a hundred spells struck the mansion, which was shaken in its entirety. The protections provided by the champions were destroyed due to the massive bursting of curses, now only the damaged walls of the mansion protected the boys.

"Harry, you must buy some time," Hermione suggested.

Harry went to the shattered window and shouted.

"Voldemort, I thought you were just a ghost, maybe in hell they got tired of your presence."

"You are stupid like your father boy, he also challenged me before I killed him, but I will answer you, it is the least I can do before I kill you with your friends."

"You see Potter, Colagusano found me in Albania and thanks to his help I was able to obtain a body, primitive yes, but a body after all. Through a foolish witch named Bertha Jorkins, I learned of the tournament of the three magicians and a loyal follower of mine who assured me that he would manipulate the chalice to get your name out of it. My plan was for my follower at Howarts to make sure that you were the only one to touch the cup, the transporter would bring you to my presence and I would use your blood to have my body."

However, the competition proved far superior to your pathetic attempts to be the winner. The plan had to be modified, I had to use the lower blood of wormtail to regenerate my body, it was not optimal I admit, but if necessary. And as you can see, Lord Voldemort was not mistaken!, if I had waited for you with the only presence of wormtail, you and your friends would have defeated me, but here and surrounded by my faithful death eaters, or at least a small part, your defeat is assured.

Lydia Deetz and the goblet of fire (completed 11/11)Where stories live. Discover now