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Okay. So that everything's clear, I moved on. Clearly.

I'm trying to be happy now.

I'm with someone who loves me truly and who cares about me.

I'm trying to forget about you okay?

You're happy with Mario and I'm happy with Alissa.

So we chill.

People say that it would upset you if I told you this.

But I said "why would it be upsetting? She's happy with Mario, Kelsey, and others".

And I know that I'm right.

Ik that you wouldn't be jealous or mad or any shit.

You're happy and that's all that matters to me.

Now I'm gonna focus on MY happiness. And that's with Alissa.

If things go the wrong turn between her and I, then ig she isn't the one for me even tho I love her more than anything now.

I really hope this isn't hurting you rn

Because I don't wanna hurt you once again.


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