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Happy birthday Mariela❤️❤️

I know you may not remember me, and that you have your real dad back, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you.

I love you with all of my heart princess❤️😢

I watched you grow up❤️

You're such an amazing and cute kid.

You're small but you're strong!

Like your Ma said, "never forget that we're here to help you stay strong"❤️

I'm happy for you, I'm happy to the lil girl you are becoming.

You're really really smart and goofy just like your Ma😍

I know you may not even remember who I am anymore.

But I really really love you princess.

I'm happy to see you happy with your Ma and Da.

I miss you so much.

I've been a mean person to you and to your mommy and I'm really sorry😔😔

Slap uncle😂

Again, I love you with all of my heart princesa❤️

Te amo mucho hermosa.

Never forget that I will always be here for you no matter what.

May 6th, an amazing baby girl was born and was made by the hands of god❤️❤️

And I couldn't be more thankful❤️

Happy bday Mariela💖💖



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