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Today I'm killing myself

You can't stop me

No one can anymore

I'm done

I'm so done with life

I'm so done with her

She lied to me

She never cared

She acted

She made me believe that she loved me

She made me think that I would have an eternity with her

I regret meeting her.

I regret loving her.

I regret hurting her.

She thought of me as someone horrible

She accused me of someone abusive when that's what my parents used to do to me when I was young..

I was traumatized..

I learned what death was when I was only 5.

I wanted death ever since I was 12

My dreams will finally come true..

Me holding a gun to my head..

Finger on the trigger...

After this post, I am no longer here

I am sorry for everything I caused.

I am sorry for hurting you all.

I am sorry for hurting the girl I love.

I am sorry for the person I am today.

I am sorry that you met me.

But I've been honest the whole time, I love you all.

I'm doing this as a favor to some people.



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