Is He Interested in You? (How to Talk to Guys, Part 2)

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Written by @WrittenOnRaindrops

You've probably been there, you see a guy, he sees you, but neither of you make any effort to speak to the other. You just aren't sure if he's interested in you and you don't want to risk a public rejection. Better safe than sorry.

Except, that in being too safe, you've missed out on the opportunity to get to know a guy who could turn out to be a great match for you. Now who's sorry? This article will help you to look for the signs to see if he's worthy of your company or just wasting your time.

Has he smiled at you? If no, then try the method from before (Part 1, Issue 2) to get his attention. If he has smiled at you that is a very good sign.

Does he look at you often? You know that obsessive need to sneak glaces at someone you are crushing on. Guys do that too. If he has looked at you several times within a relatively short period of time then he obviously has some interest in you.

Has he moved closer to you in any way? This could be something as simple as getting a refill at the fountain near your table or taking up the exercise equipment near you. I once had a guy approach me in the turkey meat section of a grocery store and it turned out that he didn't even eat the stuff. He claimed that he was thinking about switching as a part of his workout routine. Anytime a guy mentions working out he is trying to impress you.

Once you're feeling confident enough to go up to him you need to devise the perfect ice breaker. This depends on the situation. There is always something to say, but try to be as unique as you can and just have fun with it. The goal is to try to get some type of reaction from him. If you can come up with something clever that makes him smile that's great. Say something funny and make him laugh, that's even better. It doesn't even have to be you at your best because guys tend to laugh around girls even if what they're saying isn't all that funny. So if you get all tongue tied and he laughs as though you just walked off the stage at the Apollo then he's smitten like a kitten.

Another good sign to look out for is how well he is listening. Does he lean in closer to hear you speak? Has he remembered any bits of info that you had mentioned earlier? If he can't remember your name after even a short conversation than he probably wasn't paying that much attention. I had a short conversation with a fellow bartender who told me that he was into motorcycles. We had a laid-back chat about his bike and the fact that my grandmother once rode a Harley. I mentioned that I had never rode on a motorcycle before. Months later, I got a text from him out of the blue. The weather had warmed up and he wanted me to take a ride with him. We are still good friends to this day.

There are also signs that I feel I should warn you about. Like guys who will say anything they want you to hear to avoid you walking away. Like if you tell him that you're a feminist and he claims that he likes strong, confident women. Then you sneak a peek at his Facebook profile while you're in the powder room and see that he votes Red. It's like in the movie Along Came Polly. Ben Steller's character eats food that his stomach can't handle, because he's too afraid to say anything in case Jennifer Aniston cancels the date. Sure, it seems sweet in the movies, but in real life you are dealing with a liar. You don't want to start a relationship with someone who isn't honest about who he really is.

That last one goes for you as well. You can't expect others to fall for you if you aren't putting your true self out there. I have a few thoughts on that subject as well, but you'll have to go to the next page for more. And don't forget to click all those lovely buttons to your right to show me some love!

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