Be True to You (How to Talk to Guys, Part 3)

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Written by @WrittenOnRaindrops

Confidence = Sexy. It's true. Ask any guy you know. You could fall flat on your face in front of millions of people and guys will only think you're more adorable for it. Hey, Jennifer Lawrence does it all the time. It's the getting back on your feet with a smile part that makes everyone else just assume you are awesome and invincible. Guys will be like "that chick just busted her face, I better go see if she needs mouth to mouth".

Want to know what really bewitches guys? Being yourself. When he asks you out (or you ask him) make a real plan. Don't just say "It doesn't matter" when he asks where you'd like to go. Tell him your top three favorite types of places to eat and have him weigh in, then narrow it down from together. If there's a great place that you just know he will like, suggest it. Don't make him sweat trying to read your mind.

Once you get to the restaurant order food and actually eat it. Novel idea, right? If you invited him out to eat, and he barely picked at his salad the entire time you would probably assume he wasn't enjoying himself. If, on the other hand, he ordered food and actually ate it, I would have a little insight as to what his tastes are. He picked the coffee cake for desert. Maybe he would like to get a coffee together sometime. Bam, second date!

Talk about your interests and be honest. I like books. Most people think books would be a poor choice as a date topic, but because I really enjoy reading, I can yak away without any boring lags in the convo flow. That being said, it's always good to have many different interests and hobbies so that you are well rounded enough to carry on an easy conversation with anyone.

For example, sometime last year I went out with a few girl friends and we ran into a guy who had gone to the same school as we had. I didn't actually know him except for his name, so I used that as an excuse to start a conversation. He ended up sitting with us at our table and bought us a few drinks. During our conversation he mentioned that he was really into athletics. I'm not a very athletic girl, unless you count dancing and chasing cabs. But I had recently taken rock climbing lessons. Next thing you know strangers are listening in on our exciting conversation about what it was like to climb 70' of cliff face with a super wedgy.

As an experiment, I'd like you to make a list of any interesting facts about you. Make it as long as you can. It can include crazy situations you've found yourself in, odd skills you possess, embarrassing childhood stories, how you got the scar on your knee. Whatever you want as long as it would make an interesting conversation topic.

I bet even you will surprise yourself with how interesting you really are.

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