How to Ignore Annoying Classmates

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How To Ignore Annoying Classmates

Written by @scintillating_

Are there people at your school who annoy you just for the sake of annoying you? Do they make dirty faces, whisper behind your back, or laugh whenever you do anything the least bit interesting (like getting a math question wrong)?

There is a way to put them behind you.

1) Simply just don't pay attention to them.

When they snicker and whisper in the seats behind you, just stay facing frontwards; don't start anything.

2) Write in your notebook.

Do anything else to distract yourself from their nuisance.

3) Pay attention and show interest to the teacher.

That helps you get good grades. And it's the perfect excuse to ignore those "chirpy people."

4) Write your crush's name in your notebook a few dozen times.

Make it obvious that you're not paying attention to them, but don't make it too obvious.

5) Realize that you are worth more than this.

Don't get steamed up when other people are doing this just to provoke you. It's better to spend your focus on other things, such as the classes they are trying to distract you in.

6) When they're near you, even if they aren't being annoying, talk to your friends.

Try to avoid paying attention to them, and, again, make it obvious that you don't really care.

7) If the annoying person tries to hand you a note in class or in the hall, don't take it no matter what.

If the person puts the note on your desk, don't acknowledge it. On your way out, you can throw the note away without reading it.

8) When they annoy you, try to be nice to them and they might stop.

You will make them feel embarrassed and they will stop most of the time.

9) Lastly, tell an adult if they take it too far and you can't tolerate it anymore.

Your teacher will probably move you or the person to another seat and you won't have to deal sitting next to them again.

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