The Twists of Horror

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Written by @Mia789

A horror story needs one big gruesome twist or many smaller ones. The twist shouldn't only make sense--it should be relevant instead of random. 

If my story is about a girl who is going to get killed by a monster, I wouldn't have just any monster killing her. I would put in something that makes it more shocking. For example, the monster could be a friend who became a monster because of the girl--which is why the monster wants to kill her. 

It’s not gruesome, but it’s shocking. Imagine your best friend is monster and wants to kill you? Horrible and terrifying because you don’t know whether to fight back or not.

(Also, a twist at the end of a story is good because it leaves the reader to think of different outcomes.)

A book on wattpad that I've been reading is: ‘The Surgeon’. This book has a lot of twists that will keep you at the edge of your seat. Though the story may not be descriptive, the great plot makes up for it. 

The blurb is simple: Tanya will always be her Daddy’s little princess.

It’s only one sentence and it's not interesting, but as you read the story you understand it. (When I first saw it I didn't want to read the book, but I'm glad I did). Within just the first chapter there’s a twist. And it continues to have them as the story goes on. 

Even though this book doesn't show the descriptive side of a horror story, it clearly shows the twists and how important they are. I highly recommend it. It’s not scary in a way that make you scream and cry, but it’s scary in a creepy way. It will definitely give you goosebumps.

(Book is in the external link). 

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