Teen Happiness

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Written by @JustWaitinForYou

I feel as though the word ‘happiness’ is not used frequently enough in teenage vocabulary.

Some teens are not content unless they have ‘trendy clothing.’

Some teens aren’t happy until they are ‘popular.’

Some teens aren’t jovial about how their friendships or relationships are going.

And some teens just hate themselves.

All in all, no teen I know is 100% happy, all the time. Right now, I want to talk about that.

Yes, there are the girls who can wear whatever they want, in a size zero, and have all the boys looking at them. 

Most teenage girls, however, aren't like that. Yet, they strive to dress similarly in hopes they will gain popularity or attention.

It’s a bunch of bull sh*t.

YOU should feel comfortable in what you wear. If one day, you want to be like the rest of the kids and you end up wearing a crop top and short-shorts (when it clearly doesn't work that well for your figure) you will end up making a fool out of yourself. I see it all the time and quite frankly, I am disgusted.

No, not because girls are bigger than the size zeros, hell I am 150 pounds and I am 5’8! I get disgusted at the fact that a girl will only feel happy if she is wearing what the cool kids wear.

Now I am nowhere near overweight or anything, but I have meat on me. I can’t wear crop-tops or short-shorts and ladies, THAT IS OKAY! I like my appropriate length shorts and my regular-sized shirt. That’s more classy!

In ten years, it won’t matter if you were in style or not, but it will matter how you were to people.

Most popular kids end up as nobodies and still live with their parents when they're 40. You have to be yourself and focus on your education when you are going through your teen years.

Yes, boys are hot and fun and make you feel special, but that feeling is temporary! One in about a million people marry their high school sweetheart, but a lot more girls get pregnant and abandoned by their 'sweetheart.’

Drastic measures, I understand but I want this ‘teen talk’ to show you guys how to be happy with yourself.

Eat a burger, instead of a rice cake. (But not if like you have medical issues, YOU GET WHAT I MEAN!)

Do NOT starve yourself, you actually harm your body and GAIN weight when you starve yourself. If you really want to lose weight FOR A GOOD REASON, then eat healthy and join a gym, or workout by yourself or take runs.

Do it the healthy way! It may take a long time, but good things take time, okay?

If you have a problematic relationship or friendship. Re-evaluate your relationship with that person.

Are they always hurting you? Or are they trying to help you?

Do they make you a better person? Or are you constantly trying to talk them out of bad stuff?

Do they make you feel bad about yourself?

I know there are people you cannot help but like, but if they are truly bad people, you need to get them out of your lives.

In order to be happy, you need to have good surroundings and be happy with yourself.

It’s so hard to be 100% happy with yourself. I actually don’t think it is possible either, but I want you guys to start liking yourselves more.

It’s more acceptable in society to hate yourself than love yourself. You can hate on yourself to someone and they will understand, but if you say, “Hey I love how I look today.” You get glares like ‘Wow, who does she think she is?

I even do it sometimes, there’s this girl in my class who constantly calls herself pretty and skinny. In a way, I’m just thinking “Shut up!” but on the other hand, I’m like “Good for you! Glad you are happy and content!”

Instead of focusing on what you want to change about yourself, focus on what you love about yourself and what you want to do to improve yourself SIMPLY FOR YOURSELF.

Don’t change for someone else, just BE YOURSELF, everyone else is already taken!

It is okay to be sad but not all the time, because things WILL get better.

This article is all about happiness, I took it and made it ways YOU can be happy. You have to step back and re-check your life before you can get involved with others and make drastic changes to yourself.

The people you are with may be the ones who are making you feel bad about yourself.

To conclude this ‘Teen Talk’ sesh, I will use myself as an example.

I used to have A LOT of friends who I trusted. 

I used to tell everyone about my insecurities, I used to starve myself, I used to be a victim of bullying, I used to have friendship troubles, I used to want to be as cool as the cool kids, but I stopped.

I took the bad friendships out of my life, and now I simply don’t talk to them AS MUCH. I don’t completely ignore them, I'm always kind, but I don't trust them nor do I talk to them a lot.

I don’t tell many people my thoughts on myself, because that will just give them ways to hurt me in the long run.

If someone is rude to me, I'm super kind to them. Like, “Thanks! Love you too!” or I just ignore them. It depends on the person, be careful how you deal with bullies! Some of them can be more dangerous than the ones I am subjected to.

I accept who I am. I'm a weird, loud, random, goofy nerd and I'm okay with that. I have two or three close friends and they like me for who I am.

In the end, just be kind if you want friends, be yourself and be proud. 

I am JustWaitinForYou and that concludes my Teen Talk tribute! 

PM If you ever need help!

Pink Tiffany Magazine - Issue 3 HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now