Chapter 1. The Stranger With An Accent

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♡ Ahh back to writing ♡

What's the first noise you hear in the morning? What lovely sound is the first thing that your tired ears take in as you wake to start your day

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What's the first noise you hear in the morning? What lovely sound is the first thing that your tired ears take in as you wake to start your day. For other people it would probably be the beautiful sound of birds chirping at their window or the sound of their mother's voice coming to awake them.

For me it was the deafening sound of my screeching alarm clock that was desperately doing its job as an annoyance.

In a slow and tired panic, I frantically swing my arms around my nightstand to find the horrible contraption that is the alarm clock. After finding the target, I throw it in any direction as hard as I can.

I've already been through dozens of alarm clocks in the past month and I sure wouldn't mind getting rid of another one if that meant I could sleep some more. If this doesn't prove how much I'm not a morning person then I don't know how else to prove it.

My arm tiredly falls to the side of my bed and I can already feel sleep starting to envelope me.

"Owwww, what?! Again? EVA!!" My almost as annoying roommate screams. I mentally roll my eyes because I'm obviously too tired to open my eyes to actually roll them. I pull the comforter over my head and glue my hands to my ears in an attempt to escape the world and just let the comfort of sleep keep me here.

The sun hasn't risen. The darkness of the room is just so compelling; it makes me want to stay in a deep sleep forever, a coma perhaps. If the sun isn't awake then why should I be?

I could've died of hypothermia when all of a sudden my warm comforter was pulled right off of me. The heat was gone. All that embraced me was the cold, December air.

I felt it necessary to shrivel up into the shameful and cold human being I am. My body instinct-fully huddled itself into the fetus position as a way to produce more body heat and to share what body heat I had to the parts of me that needed to be warmed.

"Get up, Eva. Today's your eighteenth! You're no longer a kiddo so start behaving like the adult that you are." My roommate/ best friend told me as the lights were switched on .

I could've cried because of how tired I was, but I didn't. I just gave a very deafening groan that you sitting in your seats wherever you may be probably could have heard it.

"It's my birthday," I groan. "so let me stay out of school today." I finish with a very loud and very unnecessary sigh. My eyes felt extremely heavy. They were basically just asking to be closed. I say give the body what it wants!

"Knowledge is power, Eva. Now up!" She screamed in finality.

"Are you sure you're not actually my best friend, but actually just my long lost mother in disguise? Are you a spy? If you're a spy and you're my mother does that mean I can become a spy?" I rambled as dazed as a high person could ever be. I'm not high, but I'm pretty sure I just out ranked all of the weirdest thoughts ever to be thought of by a high person. Can I be high off of sleepiness? Yeah, we'll go with that.

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